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    Advice needed in Iowa

    That was nice of your dad to let you handle the "business and legal" aspects of his business ;)
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    Any suggestions on a canopy?

    Where are you setting up shop in Chicago?
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    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

      I already poured the moldy one on the curb for my homies. Are you saying to trash the other three I've got going too? None of the other jars have mold but they all have empty space like this one. I'm inclined to just leave them if there is no mold forming.
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    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101   That mold blew up really fast. Yesterday there was only a couple of specs. That pic is from this morning. I just scrapped it to be safe.   This was my first attempt but I have three others that are going fine. I'm...
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    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    I've got a ferment going for about a week now and it has started to develop spots of black/green mold on top. Can I just scrape this off and press on or is this batch trash?
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    Anyone know if recipe books and culinary literature is a business expense?

    Sounds like your CPA was trying to run it through as an educational tax credit or unreimbursed business expense. I agree with attempting the tax credit because usually that's the most beneficial route but it sounds like he didn't take it far enough. If you had a business entity for your venture...
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    Anyone know if recipe books and culinary literature is a business expense?

    This accountant would not "shoot that down". Basically, if you spent it for the purpose of making money, then it's deductible. However, I've also read your label thread and if I were you, I'd be focusing more on your branding and marketing strategy. You aren't going to need deductions if you...
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    business Business Entity Formation

    A lot better since the Bobak family has been fighting with each other and closing stores! We always had a strong presence in the local delicatessens but now we're making a push to be in the larger regional grocers as well. It's been a very profitable venture for us. Maybe we'll have national...
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    business Business Entity Formation

    I've been lurking for a few weeks, quietly gathering as much information about fermentation, making sauces, and cultivating hot peppers. I'd like to thank you all for your contributions. Since all I know about hot sauce is learned from this forum, I can't really contribute much to that...