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  1. Mikkyd

    pests HELP! Unknown creature - pest *** found the answer - Metcalfa Pruinosa

      That's why there is garlic. It is a natural pesticide. I tested it on aphids I scraped onto aluminium foil. Also on an earwig crawling around my apartment. The earwig and aphids I tested on died. The garlic is what kills them
  2. Mikkyd

    Anyone have a good hot pepper jam recipe?

    Thanks so much
  3. Mikkyd

    pests What happened? (pest-related)

      Damp soil? 99% likely they are fungus gnats. annoying, common for indoor plants. Also can spread plant diseases.
  4. Mikkyd

    pests HELP! Unknown creature - pest *** found the answer - Metcalfa Pruinosa

    The recipe I posted will still work for whatever it is. possibly test to make sure it won't hurt your plant, or clean it off after.   
  5. Mikkyd

    pests What happened? (pest-related)

    Likely birds, they don't have capsaicin receptors. I believe caterpillars would eat the leaves but not the fruit, caterpillars I imagine would literally be burnt by the hot peppers. I could be wrong.   Edit: Did you find a caterpillar or insect inside?
  6. Mikkyd

    pests HELP! Unknown creature - pest *** found the answer - Metcalfa Pruinosa

    Those are mealybugs. Basically look like cotton balls. I recently controlled aphids on one of my plants with a garlic/soap spray. It's basically an organic kill on contact spray, but won't always work for eggs of mealybugs.    Also, take a wet cloth and basically "clean" your plants after. This...
  7. Mikkyd

    pests Pests? Disease? Plant Dying?

    I found aphids on it. It's all but dead right now. I'm going to try the soapy water treatment tomorrow. 
  8. Mikkyd

    sun This just happened today is it from the sun

    Definitely not from the sun, likely a pest.
  9. Mikkyd

    Anyone have a good hot pepper jam recipe?

    I tried using the forum search and I found nothing. Thanks for these recipes though!
  10. Mikkyd

    Supporting peppers with strings

    Using string is much more common for tomatoes, it works extremely well, but you must make sure it is wrapped counter clockwise (not positive) so that the plant does not unwind itself.   Last summer I used one of the 7 inner strands of paracord to string up my tomatoes, and it worked well. Need...
  11. Mikkyd

    Here's Another One For I.D.

      I agree, a slight variation on habs, and red.
  12. Mikkyd

    Are these plants dead?

      leaves start drooping when they dont have enough water. Most peppers can go without water for a fair amount of time, depending on how hot it is
  13. Mikkyd

    indoor Indoor Peppers...

    If it gets enough light, and has enough nutrients it will produce.   If it's a southern facing window it will do well.   Edit: Some glass pains filter certain wavelengths of light, take care with that.
  14. Mikkyd

    container Dealing with excessive rain for container plants

    I agree with making sure the containers are raised, especially since they are the fabric pots. Can't have plants, especially peppers sitting in standing water. The fabric will allow the water to easily seep into the container.
  15. Mikkyd

    Dirt Farmers wisdom

      Just making sure, I'd like to clarify the difference between dirt and soil. Soil is what you put in your pots, it's the ground soil/topsoil. Soil is the organic matter, decaying matter, organisms, air, water, nutrients that accumulates. Dirt is the dry dusty stuff you find on your shoes, that...
  16. Mikkyd

    pests Pests? Disease? Plant Dying?

    I saw the hot sauce spray on another website, but it was also on the pests facts. All of the symptoms just seem so familiar.
  17. Mikkyd

    pests Pests? Disease? Plant Dying?

    My habenero has started to lose its leaves, grow black spots on the leaves, turn yellow, the leaves are curling up. I've seen spider mites on it, and larvae of something. I found what I believe to be aphids (little greenish or brown lice looking things) on a cilantro plant that is closeby, but...
  18. Mikkyd

    Anyone have a good hot pepper jam recipe?

    I've got a bunch of habs that are becoming ripe and I wanted to make a hot pepper jam with it. Does anyone have a good recipe for something like this?   I've only had prepared hot pepper jam and never made it myself, I figured I'd get some advice.
  19. Mikkyd

    How cold is "too Cold" for newly potted Plants?

    They should be able to handle the temperature. I can't see the pot size in the picture. The pot size determines the size of the plant and how many peppers it will produce. They will also likely become "pot bound" which isn't good, reduces water capacity, less nutrients, i.e. not good for the...
  20. Mikkyd

    indoor Indoor Peppers...

    Depending on how hot the office is they might not produce peppers. my OW'ed hab didn't start fruiting until about april and had flowers dropping all winter. If the office is 70+ degrees they miiiiight produce peppers.