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  1. X


    Time to clear out the freezer a bit.  Made a quick Zhug, inspired by a hankerin' for shawarma and this post   Ingredients: -A dozen or so assorted chilis.  I used some large thick cayenne, bishops crown, and some mystery chinenses for a mix of hot and...
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    xdosequisx - 3rd Garden, 1st Glog

    Hi THP, this is the start of my third garden.  I've learned a lot over the past two growing seasons, hopefully this year will continue improving.  I'll be growing mostly in containers, as I've found that my hugelcultur-ish bed isn't very good for peppers, amongst other things.     2015 Pepper...
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    Newbie here: too late to start over?

    Hey all, first post here after spending the weekend drooling over everyone's grow logs. I was hoping to have a nice garden full of superhots and somewhat-hots, but I seem to have failed abysmally in germinating my seeds, and can't seem to figure out why. I started the following peppers in...