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  1. Montmorillonite

    preservation Nice Mild Pepper For Pickling

    Nice selection of low heat peppers from Russia, thanks!       I bet this one is from Bulgaria. The name means nothing more than "small red pepper". I think varg will confirm it as the name is from Russian (or Bulgarian which is quite closely related to Russian) and transcripted from Cyrillic.
  2. Montmorillonite

    maxcaps 2014 grow: avoiding the freeze!

    Yeah, give us more details about the purple carrots! I'm also curious about them. Do they have longer growing season than ordinary ones? I've never seen them before.
  3. Montmorillonite

    maxcaps 2014 grow: avoiding the freeze!

    I see I'm not the only one who likes to make this tables with all information about each plant, statistics, etc.! :D
  4. Montmorillonite

    Roguejim's 2014 Glog...Rogue Valley Oregon...6/29...Warmer weather = Podding up!

    I hope Rougejim doesn't mind if I answer here and not in PM. I'm not a geologist, I'm a student of civil engineering. I'm glad you like my nickname.   It's going to be my second season as well but I haven't started yet.
  5. Montmorillonite

    Roguejim's 2014 Glog...Rogue Valley Oregon...6/29...Warmer weather = Podding up!

    Good luck, Roguejim!   On the last two pics leaves are a little bit purple-ish. Is it normal or does it perhaps indicate some problem with nutritiens, pH, lights?
  6. Montmorillonite

    2014 Glog I guess

    Good luck with your grow, Pepperjack91! I'm also on the list "When I saw it, I thought" they are growing in cappuccino in cups ;)
  7. Montmorillonite

    MoA Jamaican scotch bonnets....

    I planted one seed as my Christmas present so it's almost a week now. I cannot wait when it comes out :D Thank you for your wishes!
  8. Montmorillonite

    MoA Jamaican scotch bonnets....

    How long did it take them to sprout?
  9. Montmorillonite

    tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)

    Wow, this looks great and healthy! Good luck with stabilizing it. In case you are looking for some people to grow this next season, sign me in, please.
  10. Montmorillonite

    Seed Suggestions for 2014? (Esp. Hot Stuffing Peppers!)

    I created a similar thread some time ago. You might want to have a look. Here's a link
  11. Montmorillonite

    Jeff H's 2014 glog- Season ending harvest pics.

    I grew Pasilla Bajio this year and they really liked taking their time to ripen. They were their final size quite fast but then - it takes ages.
  12. Montmorillonite

    How much did my T5s contribute to my last electric bill?

    In this example it would be about $28 to pay where I live (Poland). Not much less than in the USA.
  13. Montmorillonite

    How much did my T5s contribute to my last electric bill?

    Cost = EnergyUsed* PricePerPiece   EnergyUsed = Power * Time = 5 * (54W * 17h/day) * 31days = 142290W= 142,29kW PricePerPiece = 1,045 * (10.7574¢/kWh + 11.4053¢/kWh + 0.6006¢/kWh + 0.3905¢/kWh) = 24,1957¢/kWh   Cost = 142,29kW * 24,1957¢/kWh = 3443¢ = $34,43
  14. Montmorillonite

    3CTX's 2015 7 Pot Onslaught

    I got a question, whether to you thirdcoasttx or others. Wouldn't it be better to remove the flowers and pods and let the plant grow larger? Won't a couple of fruits force the plan to focus on these instead of growing, developing root system, etc.?
  15. Montmorillonite

    Chocolate Scorpion sprouts!

    Nice, though nasty, babies!   I'd do as neoguy says - wait until they got at least 2 sets of true leaves. When transferring, be careful about the roots. They may got damaged very easily. You can do it now as well with a spoon but that's a risk of hurting roots.
  16. Montmorillonite

    Today is a sad day...

    A lot of heat got wasted but don't worry - you got new season to grow much more of it!
  17. Montmorillonite

    Is your pepper a "she" or a "he"?

    In Polish we got grammatical gender (like in German or Spanish) so peppers are female - I'm ok with that :D
  18. Montmorillonite

    Orange Manzano

    Nice set of photos, great quality :)
  19. Montmorillonite

    In case you're not aware of the fact, your inbox is full. Cheers

    In case you're not aware of the fact, your inbox is full. Cheers