Search results

  1. Revwarnut

    any seeds for a new grower?

    Do as most of us have... buy seeds and try them. Best thing to do is to research all the types by description to figure out just what flavor, heat you want anyhow. Do you want blistering heat or sweet?   Not a good way to start out asking for handouts without even saying what you are looking...
  2. Revwarnut

    preservation Nice Mild Pepper For Pickling

    Hungarian Hot wax / Hot Banana peppers are awesome pickled.  My favorite pickling pepper! Put in one slice of an onion, 1-2 garlic cloves and mix the ripe RED peppers with some orange and yellow ones for a nice look and a variety in the flavor.  (Red ones are my favorite)   They are killer on a...
  3. Revwarnut

    favorite What is your favorite pepper in terms of taste (doesn't need to be super hot)?

    Spysee - when that Jalapeno gets a nice red.... let it go another 3-4 days, then try it.  It will be even better!
  4. Revwarnut

    chinense A Blue Scorpion?

    Ha!!!!  And here I have been wondering ... "What to use for my Avatar?"  Think I just found the perfect one!!!!   ROFL!
  5. Revwarnut

    Egg shells and vingar for calcium

    Bones provide calcium too.  You can bake/roast those and egg shells until nicely browned to break them down.  Just don't want to burn them as that will likely destroy the calcium (but plants like carbon too. So... not entirely a loss). Not sure it is worth the bother though.  But if grilling...
  6. Revwarnut

    favorite What is your favorite pepper in terms of taste (doesn't need to be super hot)?

    Red Jalapeno (poppers and fresh in chili), "Fire" Serrano finely chopped onto tacos, burritos, in chili, stuffed Bell peppers, etc. (been ages since I had any.. soon to be remedied thanks to a generous member! :dance:  ), Doe Hill (salad, fresh.. could eat like candy -very sweet, sugary...
  7. Revwarnut

    annuum "Fire" variety Serrano seeds available for trade?

    My thanks to Roper2008 She is sending me some seeds. We will have to compare when they mature.   I am also going to do a side by side comparison to the Hidalgo peppers once I can.
  8. Revwarnut

    annuum "Fire" variety Serrano seeds available for trade?

    Roper2008 - Got any to spare? Will trade or even buy some off of you... PM sent
  9. Revwarnut

    chinense A Blue Scorpion?

    Hmmm                              Hint...  :liar:   This is the original before I played with it.   From a topic on Facebook page from Feb of 2013 about a "rare black scorpion" being promoted that was pictured as shown below.   Turns out there was another picture with a...
  10. Revwarnut contact?

    Aww  thanks for the Facebook link.  Didn't think to look there, but nothing came up about it on a Google search either. I will let them know about the issue with the site from there.   I see I mistyped the web address too..  fixed. Hopefully they can fix the issue soon. I'm looking for some...
  11. Revwarnut contact?

    Trying to sign up for the seed exchange there. Having issues after submitting my entry. I do not see any contact info. Anyone know how to get ahold of the website owner?     error as follows.. tried 3x over the day. SQL Query Error: Column count doesn't match value count at...
  12. Revwarnut

    annuum "Fire" variety Serrano seeds available for trade?

    The Fire variety as I knew them was short and blocky like pictured here.   They had a "spicy" taste unlike any other standard Serrano I have tried. I have tried generic Serrano and the Serrano Tampiqueno and they were not the same.   They...
  13. Revwarnut

    annuum "Fire" variety Serrano seeds available for trade?

    Thanks Joe! And guess what?    I did a search on Hidalgo pepper and it took me to Reimer Seeds. They have those listed, but are Out of Stock. They do indeed look just like the "Fire" peppers I have been looking for and are described the same and...... even better...... THEY HAVE THE FIRE PEPPER...
  14. Revwarnut

    annuum "Fire" variety Serrano seeds available for trade?

    I would like to obtain some seeds from a specific variety of Serrano called "Fire". Does anyone have any of that type for trade?   I have some seeds I would gladly trade for them. I will count what I have and provide a list if anyone has these seeds available.   Thanks Bruce
  15. Revwarnut

    Are these safe?

    I think he is just asking for trouble using the mayo.... it has egg in it which is an excellent medium for all kinds of nasty growths... even with the acidity of the vinegar. Any of you ever seen mold grow in a jar of pickled jalapeno rings???  I sure have... figured it was some pretty nasty...
  16. Revwarnut

    High Court Rules for Monsanto in Seed Patent Case

    No different than many Rose bushes or flower varieties where it is illegal to propagate those as well. The developer has a patent on the plant and so you would need to pay a royalty to them if you do propagate them. Same would be true of some peppers as with any other vegetable developed under a...
  17. Revwarnut

    Best beer I ever had

    A friend and co-worker of mine in Canada put me onto what is now my favorite "special occasion beer". If I were a daily drinker, it COULD become that it is so good, but it is so good... that I chose to only drink it when I get the urge to have one rather than make it common and not something...
  18. Revwarnut

    Avocados hate me

    St. Lucia???? Your location says Omaha, Nebraska!!! Guess you must have moved. Or is that your winter home? Kind of hard to get the Husker Football gamed there isn't it?? LOL! Thanks for the post on growing the plant though... know someone who wants to do so.. and I will tell them what you...
  19. Revwarnut

    seeds How To Start Seeds - A Guide to Seed Starting

    Great write up.... I already do most of that... will have to try the fan... my plants often get rather "leggy" before I can transplant up her in the great frozen north of MN.. This year is shaping up to be one of those like not seen for a long time.. very late snows....etc.
  20. Revwarnut

    Trinidad Red Seasoning vs Trinidad Seasoning

    Thanks for this... and for the reply from Arijer... I am trying to grow some of the AJi Dulce and the Tobago Seasoning Peppers, and the Trinidad Perfumes too.... for the first time. I am very much looking forward to the tasting. None of those 2 are popping up yet.. a few of the other types I...