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  1. J

    when to bring plant inside?

    New Jersey, and Ill bring them in tonight, My first year that im going to try overwintering. This part of the season is going to be pretty annoying with the in and out deal like the spring. Oh well Ill just have to remind myself about the bounty of habs Ill have next season, I hope:(
  2. J

    when to bring plant inside?

    Its getting chile:P around here, probably going to be in the upper 40's tonight. should I bring my plant in at night now? (habanero)
  3. J

    Hab plant possibly sick

    yes there is drainage, and the spots are soft. probably just common life cycle, because the plant is still producing just fine. thanks for the help, just wanted to be safe.
  4. J

    Hab plant possibly sick

    they are old leaves, the plant is in a 5.5 gallon bucket, the spots are very small. Not sure if they are hard or not Ill have to check tonight. This is my biggest hab plant and has been growing like a champ all year.
  5. J

    Hab plant possibly sick

    My hab plant which is loaded with pods, has brown spots starting to appear on the outer edges of the bigger leaves. Can anyone ID this by just the description. FYI we have had a ton of rain here the last 2 weeks.