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  1. S

    Hot-N-Heavy 2010

    Paul, I don't know if you're still out there, but I wanted to make it known that this post is what initially made me want to get into growing peppers and making hot sauce. Your energy inspired some dumb young stoned kid slacking off at work and gave him a life goal: To be just like paulky_2000...
  2. S

    Pepper drying problems

    Haha, I'll stop by the weenee wagon some day for you, I've been there once and didn't get anything because it was so expensive there (and they didn't take cards). And yeah I was thinking of just breaking down and doing the oven method, the reason why I didn't originally do that is because I...
  3. S

    Pepper drying problems

    Yeah, they're all a dark-ish green with a kinda light orange spot about the size of a dime in the center of them. It's kind of like the color of the habanero's. They're also pretty wrinkly after hanging up, but still pretty flexible. Also, I mistakenly didn't wash them in any way shape or form...
  4. S

    Pepper drying problems

    So pretty much they're all bad? ;~;
  5. S

    Pepper drying problems

    About 2-3 weeks ago I put some habanero and some jalapeno peppers up on a string in my kitchen to dry and grind down to powder. Lately they've looked worse and worse. My habaneros will go from having bright orange skin to black skin around the top that just expands slowly every day till I end up...