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  1. Zokambaa


     I can't seem to find the powders on the site anymore....   I've bought a few packs in the past but I can't seem to find where I can order them anymore.    
  2. Zokambaa


    Anyone know if they still sell the powders?   I checked the site and couldn't see them anymore...   I last bought a big baggie of pepper powder a while back, but have not been back in a while since I've been more in to growing my own stuff and heavier in to the sauces again....   The Powders...
  3. Zokambaa

    pests Nutes? Bugs? virus?

    The peppers and leaves aren't quite as big... although some branches on one of my other plants grows some good golf ball size ones... a lot are a bit smaller and the taste is a bit more floral now than before and there are less seeds... but they have no problem fruiting and the pods are still...
  4. Zokambaa

    pests Nutes? Bugs? virus?

    The only problem is there should be next to no nutrients added... 2 times I added 5 drops of liquid fertilizer in 4 liters of water (should be 7 per liter) and noticed no change... and that was a month apart... Maybe not enough Calcium and Epsolm? I've heard people putting up to 2 tbsp per...
  5. Zokambaa

    pests Nutes? Bugs? virus?

    So, I've been growing my habs indoors since last year... and they are producing well enough... but in the last month or so some of the plants started yellowing on the branches and leaves... I guess relatively normal since the peppers are still coming ok... but they don't seem as healthy...
  6. Zokambaa

    hot-sauce Tastiest Hot Sauce on the Planet...Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce

    I too now find tobasco to be distasteful... it is better than nothing at all.. but... not even as good as siracha..... I'll take a good habanero sauce any day... But now that I grow my own habs I get some of the taste and a lot of the heat so I can add any normal sauce and have it still be...
  7. Zokambaa

    Sudden leaf wilt/death issue on Habanero plant

    While I don't have any pictures, I was wondering what might cause a Hab to suddently wilt like it was hit with frost... I gave 3 or 4 habanero plants to a friend of mine 1 larger one with some fruit on it was growing well enough I kept it a week after potting it up before giving it to him...
  8. Zokambaa

    hot-sauce Tastiest Hot Sauce on the Planet...Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce

    The HippySeedCompany guys seemed to like it... look what I recently found on youtube...
  9. Zokambaa

    hot-sauce Looking for a good sauce

    Yeah it doesn't taste bad... but I tend to taste some chemicals more than some people... for instance Red dye in some candies like smarties (not sure if they are in the USA but like M&Ms) taste bitter to me... and something about the Sodium Benzoate in some sauces just take odd to me... but even...
  10. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    Well here are some more shots of the changes.... so far.. possibly a reddish tinge to it... but a couple have changed from the light green... no orange or red yet though... First shot shows a ripe hab on a different plant in the back with the mystery plant in front.. one unripe and one having...
  11. Zokambaa

    hot-sauce Looking for a good sauce

    Busha Browne's Pukka Hot Sauce is not bad... but to me it was a bit vinegary and that took away from the flavour... it isn't very hot either... I found it more in the franks extra red hot range for heat.... but it is in all the supermarkets around here... I'm also not a fan of sauces that...
  12. Zokambaa

    hot-sauce Anyone tried "Wicked Cactus" Sauces yet??

    I came across this company while killing time on the internet... but they sure do sound tempting... not to mention have some variety and focus on flavour rather than nasty extracts and horrible ingredients to just make them hot... If you tried them.. are they as good as they appear to be? and...
  13. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    Yeah.. they said it was because the peppers are refrigerated so they keep long enough to get to the supermarkets up here.. and they said it was something about them being designed that way so the seeds are non viable and so people don't grown them... yeah I guess it was all BS... but it took...
  14. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    It was pretty cold and overcast outside when it began flowering...they are indoors but it was colder than normal by the windows at dropped a lot of the flowers before they had a chance to do anything... so it is pretty sparse right now... but it looks like more buds are starting...
  15. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    Hmmmm I've just done some searches on Caribbean Red peppers and I am starting to think this actually may be one of them.... the pictures I saw had a similar pod shape and that pale light green color too.... I never thought to look at Caribbean Reds... I was just looking at other habaneros...
  16. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    Yeah... they probably will be good.... I'm just a little impatient waiting for these things to start to change.... in the past month they gained about an inch to an inch in length... but they aren't even showing a slight hint of color change yet... Even one of the seemingly slow ripening habs I...
  17. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    Everyone told me seeds saved from supermarket habaneros and scotch bonnets would not grow... or maby 1 seed in 20 or 30 would sprout so I figured.. I like them both so, just saved a pile of them... and hoped to get a plant or two so I planted them... nothing happened for a month so I added some...
  18. Zokambaa

    Pepper ID: What does this very light green (Chinense?) look like to you?

    I have some peppers growing indoors and they are generally doing fairly well for it being winter and light levels being lower, but I am south facing so they are still growing well, albeit a bit smaller and more slowly... Anyway all my other peppers start very dark green or medium green and have...
  19. Zokambaa

    seeds seed from Supermarket bought chili for growing

    I started out by saving the seeds from my habaneros and scotch bonnets that I got from the supermarket... the seeds dried out and were kept in a zip lock baggie with a desiccant packet... the majority of mine germinated and now I have a bunch of peppers... had to give some away because I ran...
  20. Zokambaa

    Black Naga

    I got some Black Nagas from Pepper Lover... the only problem is I got the seeds mixed up with the habaneros and scotch bonnet ones I got from the store... but I think this may be the black naga... they look nothing like the habs and bonnets I have been growing.... other than having the general...