Search results

  1. chad s

    breeding cross pollinating black spoon method

    Hello everyone, I won't rehash the entire procedure, there are a ton of great tutorials out there. Generally pollen is collected and transferred with a small paint brush, a q-tip, or even just with your fingers. The question for me was always did I get the pollen where I need to or just kill a...
  2. chad s

    chinense Bhut x Douglah

    Hello everyone it's been a while. In 2011 I sent out seeds through trades and a seed train labeled "bhut x douglah Chad S 2011". This went on to become half of the chocolate bhutlah SM. These have ranged from just another super to absolutely brutal. The phenos keep coming. If anyone is still...
  3. chad s

    Yelping Yellow from Heirloom Taste (HeirloomChef)

    Ingredients: Trinidad 7-pot yellow peppers, crushed pineapple (pineapple, pineapple juice, citric acid), orange juice, water, yellow bhut jolokia peppers, vinager, rum, cane sugar, lemon zest, ascorbic acid, xanthan gum Cant wait for some baked fish to lather up with this sauce, it is heat...
  4. chad s

    Rowdy Red from Heirloom Taste (HeirloomChef)

    Ingredients: water, caribbean red habanero peppers,bhut jolokia peppers, onion, cane vinegar, garlic, thyme, salt, ascorbic acid, xanthan gum. Outstanding smooth consistency. A classic pepper sauce, but the thyme gives this a distinct and wonderful flavor. Nice whack of heat from the bhuts
  5. chad s

    pests Aphid killing

    So I found my overwintered plants which are already growing, covered in aphids. I ordered some Bonide fruit nut and orchard spray, but in the meantime wanted to do something. So I went to the stove with some garlic and about 10 dried Butch T halves and made a nice boiling tea, strained it, and...
  6. chad s

    seed-train Seed train caboose (at least from me)

    The last seeds of the season. US only please. Most varieties have at least 50 seeds. I will send them to the first poster, I will pick up the postage, you take what you need, add what you can if you can and pay the postage to the next poster in line. Sound fair? I would suggest when the package...
  7. chad s

    One more time OFFER CLOSED

    So I spent most of the day overwintering and cleaning off the remaining plants and my de-seeding motivation is short of the number of ripe pods I have, so one more giveaway. Last time there was some question as to what constitutes a new member, and I was not at all specific. This time 3 boxes...
  8. chad s

    Pods from an old neighbor

    Dont know what all of these are but I am going to have fun finding out! I know the giant one is paprika, thats a good start :beer: Any ID would be appreciated Thanks, Chad
  9. chad s

    Pod ID

    I found these tucked up by the planter box base, I didnt see them until I started pulling a couple plants for overwintering. These are larger, darker, and slightly wrinkled toward the stem, They have more placenta tissue too. They are hotter than the other pods off the plant like the one I sent...
  10. chad s

    Hot pod samples for new members

    This is an offer for new members who need some superhot in their lives. The first five will get a sampler box with at least one of each, you only need to pay $5.00 shiping At the top unknown red possibly a Billyboy douglah cross 2nd row - Yellow 7 pot (only 3), choc hab, bhut/douglah cross...
  11. chad s

    seed-train Hitching my wagon to the seed train

    SEE POST 43 Over the last couple of years I have been able to buy, trade, and get freebies of some nice varieties, time for the first round to start going out. Everything has been open pollonated but your seeds wont be all from the same pods minimizing the cross risk. If you do get a cross...
  12. chad s

    A burgandy moruga?

    Next to a red scorp for comparison The plant is not a great producer, only 3 pods developed so far on a 3 foot tall plant. Plenty of flowers on it, an overwinter cantidate for sure. Another pod is turning the same color, its likely the seeds of these are crossed with something else in my...
  13. chad s

    First nice haul (pod offer now closed)

    First good haul of the year including what I think is a bhut/douglah cross. Any video testers want to take a whack at it? Hopefully someone has eaten peppers like the ButchT or Douglah and can give me a comparison. Happy to send them out and anything else you see that you might like. Cross on...
  14. chad s

    chinense Chad vs Bhut jolokia indian carbon

    Bought some naga seeds off ebay 2 years ago, all grew true except this one. To me it most resembles the indian carbon. The only guys I have seen eat them is Beaglestorm and Naganumbness, perhaps a taste test is in order. What do you guys think? " Thanks, Chad
  15. chad s

    Pepper ID

    Hello all, I have a mystery pepper, I had some choc bhut seeds from a trading parcel but these are turning red and not exactly the classic bhut shape. A cross maybe? Regular red bhut? " What do you guys think? Thanks all Chad,
  16. chad s

    how to upload pics

    Hello all, When I try to upload pics from photobucket I get giant pics and when I try to post I get the message "you are not allowed to use that image extension on this board" can someone tell me what i am doing wrong please? Thanks, Chad
  17. chad s

    How do Chocolate Bhuts ripen?

    Hello all, I am growing a choc bhut for the first time this year and a few are starting to turn red. Do they do this and then darken up or is it not a choc bhut after all? The only other bhut I am growing is a yellow, no reds planted. Thanks all, Chad
  18. chad s

    Cut back or leave alone?

    My plants are a foot tall at best yet many ae starting to produce flowers. Dont know if the goofy weather is causing this or what. The question is do I leave them go, or is it best to pick off the flowers or clip the tops to encourage more growth? Thanks!! Chad
  19. chad s

    pests Pest ID help please

    Good afternoon all, Unfortunately I dont have a camera capable of a good image. I dont know if I am looking at the adult and larvae of the same pest or 2 different ones. There are tiny dark flies around the plants, and tiny almost translucent little bugs on top of the soil and around the pots...
  20. chad s

    Possible alternative to Promix BX

    Here is a possible alternative for those having trouble finding Promix BX. After deciding to ditch the MG I went looking for the Promix but couldnt find a retailer in Milwaukee. I went to Brew and Grow and they have a custom blend from Sungro. It has the beneficial fungi added to it like the...