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  1. H

    Dwarf Fruit Trees

    you can dwarf your fruits trees in a sense with colored shade spectrum...Mike check, Chromatinet blue.
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    organic Another take on Organic Fertilizers

    The article does have a tone... From personal experience, i use both, by fertigation and foliars. In a sense you can have a synergic effect with both of them. To use chemical fertilizes the first thing you should do is a soil testing and water testing to see what you have, to add what are you...
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    health Black spots on Habs

    yes Avon and if he uses a chelated calcium + fulvic acid, becomes even more effective, fulvic acid carries minerals from plant surfaces to plant tissues. I personally use metalosate calcium, boron and molybdenium, humic/fulvic acids, and seaweed extract, each 15 days as foliars. ;) Foliars do...
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    health Black spots on Habs

    Dasastar can you get a better pic? Does this black spots have layers ? the plant leafs have any spots or lesion? BER on peppers is not black on the start, more like beige-whitish, then goes to black after time... Anthacnose or Alternaria Solani start rapidly with black lesions on...
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    thanks guys... yes HP, i can do that...

    thanks guys... yes HP, i can do that...
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    first harvest today of cubanelles...4,725 pounds...

    first harvest today of cubanelles...4,725 pounds...
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    Pinching Buds

    Don't pinch off if your not doing the dutch "V' trellising(2 main stems) system or the spanish "4" trellising system(4 main stems). There is a reason why we commercial growers pinch off and it's to help the indeterminate pattern of growth, that's been suppported vertically with twines in the...
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    vendor Ordering Pepper Seeds

    ordered from , got 5 to 8 seeds plus on each packet of 30 seeds,all of them had 35 to 38 seeds, and they added as a gift a extra packet of a tomato variety. tomatogrowers :clap:
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    help! my tomato plant is wilting

    can you post pics Srin2?
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    fertilizer What's the best fertilizer for peppers

    Biobizz organic line is very good, also take in consideration what the plants needs at diferent grow stages,like root development, flowering, fruit set and fruit production, they will always use the NPK + micro nutrients, but at the diferent grow stages is going to demand for one element more...
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    Silver_Surfer's season starts

    SS if you overdosed ,give them a little water with a little molasses(1:500 dilution) or humic acid helps to detoxify them... Plants look great BTW.
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    Gnat problem!

    Jetchucka you are right, Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis is a highly selective larvacide. ;)
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    Gnat problem!

    Hot pooper, Bacillus thuringiensis is the right can get commercial name like Dipel or Xentary, just drench your plants...if you use Dipel or Xentary, water ph must be in 5.0,wich is ideal, alkaline PH inactivates the Bacillus. ;)
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    seeds Seedling Nutrients

    Jessxcr that's the best advice, you need a formula with high P, makes the roots and trunk develop..., but the first week i would just give water, from there...high P formula, and some fulvic acid...
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    Not Naga Viper But Genuine Testing!

    let's put the simple way. the sesame street way... A variety like the Bhut took years to get adapted and stabilized in the new mexico reply number #122 to understand what I was talking about crosses or hybrids, and why a compared or made an example to what Bosland did with the...
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    Not Naga Viper But Genuine Testing!

    first to Potawie, the Bhut is a stable variety, at the time Bosland grew it, the first year, this happaned see article >My link it's called plant adaptation and stabilization,(poor fruit set and seed set) Biology 101, the Bhut had to adapt and stabilize in the New Mexico enviroment. I'm not...
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    Not Naga Viper But Genuine Testing!

    seems we hit a nerve, these are your words > what your are doing is not for the benefit or help of trinidad, cut the bullsh!t, your post is about securing your commercial adventure, if naga viper gets credit,the sauce, powder makers want the hottest, you came here asking people to say a new...
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    Not Naga Viper But Genuine Testing!

    I think you should check your timeline with your story...not to be the thorn in this subject...but let's see some things. CARDI attended the Annual National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show in New Mexico in 2008, CARDi reported in the annual report: they already were marketing peppers serious...
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    wanted Want to buy 7pod/pot seeds and trinidad congo seeds

    just missing one...the 7 pod jonah...