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  1. P

    event ZestFest 2006

    Well I have the room in order and now making sure of my arrival time and plans and I am there! I cannot wait because it looks like an awesome group is going to be there. Can't wait to hang out with everyone
  2. P

    event ZestFest 2006

    I've thought about going to this. But I don't really know where to start. I look at expedia and the like and see stuff to get me there and to stay but beyond that I am clueless as to what to do?
  3. P

    Hi all

    You are the 300th member :) Welcome to the board!
  4. P

    Need a recommendation

    By saying you like Louisana style sauces you are saying you like alot vinegar? Ha I like them alot too and those got too mild quickly. If you want hot and flavor we all know the habs rule the day! I would go with the Red Savina Garlic from the Wild Pepper Co as well. He is a stand up guy...
  5. P

    If anyone's interested in Blair's Le Million Reserve...

    PM with how much you want for them. I am interested but the number isn't so important. You can PM with any bottles you want to sell and I will let you know which ones I might want.
  6. P


    Dang that is alot of peppers! Great site
  7. P


    There is absolutely NO WAY I would do something that crackheaded. ever but it was fun to watch!
  8. P

    thinking about buying some Blair's 16 Million Reserve...

    I have always thought about getting one my self but not to eat! Maybe one of these days...
  9. P

    NEED DEFCON ZERO (Batch 2) from the Fiery Foods Show

    Did you succeed in getting one? Just curious cause I have a feeling it is going to come out while I am at work and I will miss out! ha Oh well I will wait and see cause nothing I can do about it now. Plus I got an order of DC 2 and 1 to go with it with it!
  10. P

    on the catwalk...on the catwalk i will do my little turn...

    Yeah EBAY can be weird sometimes. I saw a guy selling something like 98 mustard cups from McDonalds. I dont know how much he wanted but it was way more than I would EVER pay for something like that!!
  11. P

    hot-sauce TorchBearer Sauces 50% Off

    Heck yeah! This will be very nice indeed. The pancakes will be coming soon!! Thanks :fireball:
  12. P

    frustrated.....need some help.

    When it comes to filtering it I always used a paper towl with no problems. I imgaine a coffee filter would work just as well but maybe not. One thing you might look for if you fry things often if a oil pump/filter. We recently got one and you just stick the thing down in the oil and it...
  13. P


    Now I know that mexicans have put peppers in everything! haha I once saw a guy put the liquid part of a glow stick into a guys shampoo bottle that had NO clue. Well his hair glowed greened till he shaved it off. That was classic :twisted:
  14. P

    labels would re-labeling be wrong?

    Haha I think that was me. Just to clarify if there was any confusion I wasn't looking to steal peoples commerical hot sauce recipe. I was just curious what some people did for making their own for personal use. Yeah I can use the net like everyone else but that doesn't mean it will be good...
  15. P

    review Review: Kato's Down South Hot Sauce.

    I think Kato's is next on my list of sauces to to get. Can't wait to see what it is like! The Down South Hot Sauce sounds like a good place to start
  16. P

    Hello from Des Moines

    Bring on the revolution! haha Welcome to the group
  17. P

    Greetings and Salutations from Indianapolis, IN

    Hello thar! Goodluck on getting the collection started. I have recently started the same myself and it is starting to look good!
  18. P

    Give me your best hot sauce recipe!!!

    Sweet Thanks!! I am a hickory man myself :D Everyone should try making their own every once and a while. Quite rewarding
  19. P

    Give me your best hot sauce recipe!!!

    I can't have that! I would rather die from eating the hot sauces not die learning whats in them :shock: Someone has got to have something good out there for me :)
  20. P

    Give me your best hot sauce recipe!!!

    I made my first hot sauce the other day and I thought it was great. It was basically a basic chipotle/vinegar sauce with a few other ingredients. Not bad, but.... I want everyone's recipe when they make their own! I know I can search and find them buy why not just ask a bunch of chiliheads...