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  1. Pepper_Jack

    Grow light on outdoor plants?

      Haven't seen any webs.
  2. Pepper_Jack

    Grow light on outdoor plants?

    Have been spraying with neem oil, but will increase frequency and amount. Did a big dose this morning. Thanks!
  3. Pepper_Jack

    Grow light on outdoor plants?

      Right. I apologize if my post sounded like a request for reviews of the grow light. I'm really looking for hints on getting my peppers to ripeness before cold weather starts.
  4. Pepper_Jack

    Cull the doomed?

      Here's a before and after pruning. You can't necessarily count the flowers and small peppers I culled, but, you can tell I gave the plants a bit of a haircut. Goal: leave pods that will mature and enough leaves for photosynthesis.  
  5. Pepper_Jack

    Grow light on outdoor plants?

    How's this?   Plants with Grow Light:   SWS:
  6. Pepper_Jack

    Grow light on outdoor plants?

    Here's the bulb:
  7. Pepper_Jack

    Grow light on outdoor plants?

    With the changing season, my Poblano plants are now getting less sun due to the shade of my neighbor's house. Reasoning that demolishing my neighbor's house was not likely to promote neighborhood unity, I was wondering if a grow light could replace some of the photons needed by the plants.   So...
  8. Pepper_Jack

    Cull the doomed?

      Will do and will do, ChileMan.
  9. Pepper_Jack

    Cull the doomed?

    I have two Poblano plants that are looking pretty good and making a ton of pods. The thing is, it's cooling off here in Northern Virginia and we have less than a month until 50% freeze probability. Should I cull all the pods and flowers that won't make it to maturity in order to maximize...
  10. Pepper_Jack

    Will my Poblanos ever turn red?

    Thanks, Streetwize ... glad to hear my slow ripeners aren't unusual. Since they spend a lot of their day in the shade now, I put a GE Grow Light on them for four hours a day ... we'll see if that has any effect.
  11. Pepper_Jack

    Will my Poblanos ever turn red?

      Es verdad! I am planning on harvesting many of the green poblanos for chiles relleno, poblano mac 'n' cheese, and poblano cream sauce. Having so many fruits on the plant is a blessing ... I'm going to leave those that are most mature now on as long as I can to see how many red ones result. If...
  12. Pepper_Jack

    Will my Poblanos ever turn red?

    Will do ... Cheers!
  13. Pepper_Jack

    Will my Poblanos ever turn red?

    Kevin,   10% chance of frost before Halloween ... 50% chance of frost before November 7th.   Cheers,   Pepper Jack    
  14. Pepper_Jack

    Will my Poblanos ever turn red?

    It's mid-September in northern Virginia. Temps are dropping into the low 60's at night and reaching mid-80s during daytime. Will have some evenings in the 50's and some days in the low 90's for the next week or so.   I have two Poblano plants that have lots of fruit on them (yay!). Various...
  15. Pepper_Jack

    Why are my Poblano flowers dropping off?

      "YMMV" ... love that! I can tell we're going to get along just fine, NECM! :dance:
  16. Pepper_Jack

    Why are my Poblano flowers dropping off?

      Well, we've been solid in the mid-90s lately ... and upper 60's to low 70's in evening ... sounds like I'm in for tons of pods when Northern Virginia flips off the summer switch on Sep 1.
  17. Pepper_Jack

    Why are my Poblano flowers dropping off?

    NE Chile Man: that thread talks about nighttime temps being too warm. I looked at one source that says that Poblanos like nighttime temp 60 - 75 degrees, which is what we have. The same article said to not add too much nitrogen ... I might be doing that.
  18. Pepper_Jack

    Why are my Poblano flowers dropping off?

    I have two Poblano plants in the ground on the side of the garage. Maybe not enough sun and wind, but they seem pretty healthy. Only one of the pair has produced pods so far (2 pods). Lots of buds, and several flowers, but I've seen 3 - 5 flowers that have dropped off at the stem just when it...
  19. Pepper_Jack

    harvesting Should I harvest this pepper?

    Thanks everybody. The pepper must have felt embarrassed by all of the attention ... it's turning red now!
  20. Pepper_Jack

    harvesting Should I harvest this pepper?

    Well, I might have answered my own question by going to the producer's website:     Probably should have looked there before posting.  :confused:   But, any advice on cutting the first bud/flower/pod would be appreciated!