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  1. AZGrowing

    Fresh Peppers Ruined me for Sauce

    Thanks Dalia!   I hear ya about the seasonality.  I guess Im lucky because I have two thai bushes that produce almost 10 mo a year.  This summer (110F-120F/42C-48C) when my plants quit out, I will have to switch back to sauces, or I will find myself heading to the grocery store for fresh peps.  ...
  2. AZGrowing

    Fresh Peppers Ruined me for Sauce

    Hello everyone!   Has this happened to anyone?  Maybe I'm in a phase, but I have almost no interest in all the sauces that I love now that I have daily access to fresh hot peps.   I can't seem to find any reason to douse my food with sauce when I can pick some fresh ones and sprinkle them all...
  3. AZGrowing

    Hello from AZ

    Thanks everyone!
  4. AZGrowing

    Any ideas?

    Hello everyone!   Previously, when I grew hot peppers they first fruited as they would over and over again.  With this plant it started as those small orange peps.  I didn't feel heat, but my girlfriend spit it out immediately and went running in pain which lasted for an hour or so. Yes, I feel...
  5. AZGrowing

    Hello from AZ

    Hello everyone,   I am a new garden grower from AZ. Peppers are my favorite plant and I can't seem to grow enough.   AZ is very difficult to grow anything, but I feel like I finally have a decent handle on it (after 6 years!).     I love sauce, rubs, flakes, fresh peps, dried peps, you name it...