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  1. M

    wanted Ancient user looking for fresh seeds

    Good luck with the old seeds. I have seen some seeds that old germinate.
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    pests Feeding hornworms, as strange as it may sound...

    I wonder if anyone has tried feeding them to chickens? The other day I fed one to a lizard friend who seemed to enjoy it. Could try a trap crop.
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    fertilizer to the sustainable growers....who fertilizes with their urine?

    I have been curious as to the outcome of any experimentation done.
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Daydreaming of the garden season to come and all the potential for peppers to snack on. Hope all of you see a great garden in the coming year.
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    favorite Favorite pepper for flavor

    Definitely the Yellow Fatalii for me with their great flavor and aroma, love snacking on them after a meal. 
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    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Today I snack with fataliis. Keep it spicy my friends.
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    review Nigel`s New Reviews - 2020 edition

    Glad to see you back at it Nigel. I have greatly enjoyed your reviews.
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    pests Got bugs

    I think those are aphids.
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    Effective gopher control methods?

    The gophers around me would generally open their holes for a relatively short period of time and always come back to close it. Knowing this makes it a little easier to sit and wait for them with a small caliber. Given some patience and time the population can be removed. Perhaps also consider...
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    Unknown little peppers

    This looks a lot like a Goat's weed pepper to me.
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    misc How old is/was your oldest hot pepper plant?

    I have some Reapers and 7 pots in pots and they are in their fourth year now and will hopefully continue through next year.
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    What do you use your super hots for?

    I like to eat fresh superhots with some of my meals. Got some Chocolate Scorpions growing this season and have been eating half a pepper at the end of my meals. It is nice getting to taste the various flavors that come with different peppers.
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    Variegated Jalapeno Plant?

    This kind of looks like a Fish pepper. Perhaps it could have been mixed in with the others?
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    Paper Lantern

    Possibly a Bolivian Rainbow?
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    chinense What I learned about scorpions

    Now your tolerance will be a little higher. yay. It will get there in time and it does take some time to develop a high tolerance like those people who eat superhots and keep their composure.
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    Yellow Fatalii?

    Yeah it does look like it might have been some sort of fatalii cross, seems like a neat color cycle too. Hopefully it tastes good. Might be worth saving seeds from.
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    Chocolate Brainstrain and Brown Moruga: where to find seeds?

    Now I have to try brown morugas lol.
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    seeds Old seeds germination

    I got some seeds I saved from three different varieties of peppers from 2009/2010 and got some good germination rates out of them spring of this year. I didn't keep track of percentages but still the germination was strong enough and the plants are looking healthy now. I also started some Orange...
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    2019 Pod reviews

    Indeed they are an experience aren't they!? I so relate to the part about seasonal supplies from the garden. I rarely have had a year where I haven't seen my supply run out. Recent seasons have been a little better with setting out more transplants to start with for a larger harvest. I still...
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    2019 Pod reviews

    I like to grow superhots because my tolerance keeps going up and they look supercool. Then again one does not simply snack with hot peppers, they are a way of life!