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  1. Horrux

    What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

      Yeah doing Indian style. Doing it today after all, I ran out of energy before committing yesterday...
  2. Horrux

    How much is too much for a NON pepper head?

      Thank you that sounds absolutely perfect! :)
  3. Horrux

    What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Making a yellow curry with beef blade today!   Need to figure out how many dried ghosts I'm putting in the recipe though...
  4. Horrux

    How much is too much for a NON pepper head?

    So today I am making a curry, and I have some dried ghost peppers that I want to add to it.   Recipe will be roughly a gallon in volume and will be a yellow curry with beef, with no cream.   How many dried ghost should I add to the recipe? Just one? Crush it or leave whole?   The idea is that it...
  5. Horrux

    Most Anticipated Variety

    Looking forward to the Death Spiral the most. Out of multiple plants, only one seems healthy... I should have known, these new strains are not very hardy at all...
  6. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    I'll probably taste each and every one of them, try to breed them into OK-tasting peppers. Those that don't taste great will be powdered and used in part as a spicing-up agent in sauces... :)
  7. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    I hear the taste is very floral? But being a new cross, I imagine that's fairly variable too?   And look at the range of phenos on that!
  8. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    Seeds of? Major Pain?  :hot:
  9. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    I got in touch with the guy in the video, he says it was definitely hotter than a Reaper. Like, insanely, ridiculously, off-the-chart, mind-erasingly, hot.
  10. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    There's a pod tasting video here, only other info I could scrounge up, for those of you who are willing to risk FaceBook:
  11. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    Word from the very very few who have tasted it is that it's not big on taste but about equal to a Carolina Reaper in heat... Or more. I, for one, can definitely use a pepper like that, if perhaps only to add to tasty sauces, without changing the taste much and adding tons of heat!
  12. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

      Yeah! It's a really mean-looking pod! When I got the seeds from a trade, I didn't know what they were and I assumed they might be something ordinary... Maybe a Cayenne-Jalapeno cross or somesuch... NOPE! :D   I'm pretty excited to be growing them!
  13. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

      Which Naga do you believe? Viper, Morich or... something else I have no idea about? :P
  14. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

      Well I do, and I'm growing them...  About 6 of them ATM... Will report once I have pods! :D I have about a dozen more seeds just in case these don't do well, but so far the 6 plants are looking very healthy... :D
  15. Horrux

    Info on a pepper called "Major Pain"?

    Searched for it on the interwebs, it gets mentions, but no actual info... Halp! 
  16. Horrux

    Floricole 2016

      I still have no idea... Sorry. :(
  17. Horrux

    Floricole 2016

    Wow, very nice! I'm wondering, what are those isolation bags made of?
  18. Horrux

    cloning Topped a plant, want to clone it with the upper part

    I also watched this, as I like a visual element...
  19. Horrux

    cloning Topped a plant, want to clone it with the upper part

    I have quick-root, how do I use it?   I imagine, I should wet the bottom part where it's cut, and then... Put in damp soil? In a glass of water?   Anything else I should do?
  20. Horrux

    I Started My Peppers!

    I think you are on the right track. Depending how they do, how leggy they are once they have, say 8 true leaves, you can look at pruning (or topping, as in removing just the top of the plant).   It's what I do and it works very well.