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  1. H

    growing in south Texas

    Carolina Reaper I planted from seed in 2017.   It is the biggest pot I have for now. I did have it with a scorpion. It died last winter. When I pulled it the roots were not that extensive for the size. Could have been too crowded? If I cut it back you might think it is not that impressive. The...
  2. H

    growing in south Texas

    Got it. Still swinging from mid 50s to almost 100. YIKES!
  3. H

    growing in south Texas

    Thanks all, I'm thinking of just bringing it inside for now. I did try the neem just last night. I did notice a few ants near the trunk so I'll try to hit that spot again in a few days to give it time. I have had a few flowers open, but no pollen is being produced. I have had the same issue with...
  4. H

    Greetings from East Tn (N. Texas Transplant)

    Welcome! I just moved from Knoxville to San Antonio! The area there was great for growing peppers.
  5. H

    growing in south Texas

    I am thinking about getting some burlap to use since it is cheap. I have one spot in the back where the fence allows shade for about 95% of the day, but I still have the wind to deal with. I have seen the ants working these small little white "eggs"? There are no aphids on the plant, yet. I had...
  6. H

    growing in south Texas

    I moved to San Antonio last summer and during the move my reaper fell out upon arrival due to the heat. It has since recovered and it is now in it's 4th growing season. I started it from seed in 2017. So the good news is that the early warm weather has put the growth spurt on overdrive. I also...
  7. H

    wanting to make first sauce

      Thanks. This is a good common sense approach. I would hate to mess up the first batch I try. Thinking about peaches or pineapple!  
  8. H

    wanting to make first sauce

    I have 14 scorpion peppers in the freezer from last years harvest. I usually dehydrate for flakes but want to make a sauce. About how much will this make? I see many recipes with only 3-5 peppers, but would rather use in one jar if possible. As this will be my first try are there any "beginner"...
  9. H

    Ghost Garlic Hot Sauce

    Sorry to ask such a dumb question but how do you measure peppers in ml? Would this not be grams or ounces by weight?
  10. H

    Greetings from the South Carolina lowcountry!

    Hello and welcome!
  11. H

    breeding Reaper & Scorpion Hybrid

    Thanks. My genetics class from college is a distant memory. I might keep trying next year and see what happens in the future.   I'm in the Panhandle. The plants have been outside and in the Florida Room all year until yesterday. Temps in the 40's don't seem to bother it. I've been snipping off...
  12. H

    breeding Reaper & Scorpion Hybrid

    I put my reaper and scorpion in the same pot when I planted from seed and didn't mark which was which. I did most of the pollinating myself with a paintbrush. I think the below is the reaper just by the way the stingers look. Is the longer pepper a normal reaper or a hybrid? I purposefully did...
  13. H

    Peppers changing colors

    Here is pepper. It's already gone from more yellow to orange since yesterday. I think it will turn red.  
  14. H

    Peppers changing colors

    My peppers on my scorpion are finally beginning to ripen after two months of growing. The first one is turning yellow/orange. I thought they would turn red first. The great Google told me there are yellow varieties as well. I purchased my seeds from but no mention of the yellow...
  15. H

    Weather Change for North Florida

    I was wondering the same thing. Lower temps for a few nights have me concerned. I finally have peppers and don't want to lose them. I counted 40 on one plant. For now I plan to bring them in when it gets below 50F and I have a couple of blankets to wrap the pot in. I want to get a heat mat as well.
  16. H

    Reaper and Trinidad Scorpion

    When I planted these two this year I failed to remember which was which. Now that I am finally getting a lot of buds not falling off I am hoping to actually get some peppers. I have looked around at some pictures and some look the same and some there is a difference. Does anyone have a good...
  17. H

    Leaf coloring

      Excellent. I'll keep that in mind next year. Thanks!
  18. H

    Leaf coloring

      All I have done is move them from the Florida room to outside in full sun after I topped them off. The old leaves would wilt quick but the new growth so far has stayed stiff and straight. Right now I would say I'm still at 12 hrs of daylight. ~7am -7pm.
  19. H

    Leaf coloring

    Thanks. I should have seen that.   Here is the picture. So far, all new bud growth has not fallen off and I should have some flowering within a few days. I set the plant in full sun and it is doing great. It gets fairly windy so should I worry about trying to pollinate the buds?
  20. H

    Leaf coloring

    The "attachments" option isn't available in my profile.   The best way I can describe is there are a few leafs with brown coloring along the inside of the leaf stem. Some of them the brown expands just beyond. The rest of the leaf is nice and green.