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  1. theboogeyman

    issue ?Aji Pineapple?

    Oh, thank God. Thanks for the info, gentlemen, I was hoping to grow a lot of these and was worried this year was going to be a bust. That's a relief!
  2. theboogeyman

    issue ?Aji Pineapple?

    Got some Aji PIneapple seeds through trade and was really looking forward to trying them.  Plants popped up nice and quick, started budding, a few finger sized peppers.  Waited for them to turn yellow, and they turned black instead.  Pods are nice and firm, half black and half green.  Never...
  3. theboogeyman

    Best vendor for bells?

    Tyler Farms is good, but I gotta agree with Harry, Tomato Growers Supply is hard to beat.
  4. theboogeyman

    pests Advice on aphid prevention?

    That's something I'll have to keep in mind for my outdoor garden this year. Probably should have mentioned these plants are in Kratky jars :D
  5. theboogeyman

    pests Advice on aphid prevention?

    I'll have to scare up some DE and give it a shot too.  Fortunately I haven't seen any ants involved yet, especially since it's indoors.  I really, really, really don't want the aphids hopping over to the new seedlings when they pop.  Thanks for the advice.
  6. theboogeyman

    pests Advice on aphid prevention?

    Hi all,   I've been dealing with a pretty good aphid infestation since early November.  I brought in four cutting from outside in late September (seems like a long gestation time though), and discovered my poor Stuffing Scotch Bonnet cutting overrun with aphids, too badly to save.  I ended up...
  7. theboogeyman

    health Ouch. What's wrong with my SSB cutting?

      Use 5ml per gallon.  I notice the roots in the Kratky have a tendency to be a little browner than usual.  Trying to figure out why the leaves are messed up and falling off.
  8. theboogeyman

    health Ouch. What's wrong with my SSB cutting?

    Took a cutting off my Stuffing Scotch Bonnet approximately a month ago, got it rooted, and put it into a Kratky jar.  It started growing pretty well.  I started with the same nutes the plant had been on for awhile, only watered down, and slowly increased it's tolerance over time, and it seemed...
  9. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

    "Intensifiying" is one way to put it.  It could've been worse (7 Pot White), but it wasn't fun.  Nothing much I could do about it, either, just sit there, blink away the tears, and wait for it to fade.  Kinda like my first experience with Ghost Pepper Extract fifteen years ago.  No access to...
  10. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

      How hot would you say the orange are compared to the regular?  Same, more, less?  The more I look at the Burpee ones, the better they look, but it doesn't say anything about heat, other than they're a "Hot" pepper.
  11. theboogeyman

    chinense Anyone ever tried Stuffing Scotch Bonnets?

      Much appreciated.  I really like this one, and I'm hoping to be able to share a lot of seeds with people next year.
  12. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

    UPDATE:  Nope, nope, nope.  Definitely not a peperoncini.  Co-worker said it was milder than jalapeno heat.  First bite was slightly warm and a hair sweet.  Second bite my face went numb.  I have about two seconds of that before the heat hit (I wasn't expecting the heat, co-worker was pretty...
  13. theboogeyman

    chinense Anyone ever tried Stuffing Scotch Bonnets?

    UPDATE:  Two of the three plants are definitely Red Habs.  The third plant was a runt and took a long time to grow and forever to fruit.....which took forever to ripen.  Once it did, I went to harvest it and noticed the only pod off that plant looked a little bit different.  I harvested it...
  14. theboogeyman

    chinense Anyone ever tried Stuffing Scotch Bonnets?

    I don't think he's coming back :(
  15. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

    Honestly I've always picked my regulars when green. Gonna try out some of those pickling recipes when I get enough ;)
  16. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

    That sounds really good. How do you like the orange compared to regular?
  17. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

    Well, it sounds like you might be right. I'm still waiting in a new one to ripen, but my guinea pig at work said they're pretty sweet and mild. They're over twice the size of my peperoncinis though!
  18. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

    Awfully brave of you to assume I can count.... But I'm guessing three?
  19. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

      Haven't had a chance to taste it yet, but plant, unripe fruit, multiple pods per node?  I'm kinda new at this...
  20. theboogeyman

    Unknown yellow thingamajig

      You sir, are unfortunately correct.  Some are still mysteries.