Search results

  1. W

    wanted Any pods ripening that you don't mind selling?

    Hi all, just checking in to see if anyone has ripe habanero++ heat level pods ripe that they wouldn't mind selling. I'm happy to offer $25 for an SFRB, negotiable if you have something rare or interesting. PM me if you're interested. Thanks! Eddie
  2. W

    wanted WTB SFRB

    Looking for an SFRB if anyone still has fruit on your plants. PM me or reply here. Thanks in advance if anyone can hook me up! Ideal mix would be anything tasty with a few that will make me sweat 😅
  3. W

    wanted WTB SFRB, anything but jalapenos or hab

    Hi, seeking out some early ripeners if anyone can spare some. I'd prefer to have them ship Monday or Tuesday so they don't sit in the heat with the post office. Anything from mild to wild, baccatum to borg-9, roccoto to reaper is welcome. PM me! Thanks!
  4. W

    wanted WTB SFRB, anything but jalapenos or hab

    Hi, seeking out some early ripeners if anyone can spare some. I'd prefer to have them ship Monday or Tuesday so they don't sit in the heat with the post office. Anything from mild to wild, baccatum to borg-9, roccoto to reaper is welcome. PM me! Thanks!
  5. W

    wanted WTB SFRB, anything but jalapenos or hab

    Hi, seeking out some early ripeners if anyone can spare some. I'd prefer to have them ship Monday or Tuesday so they don't sit in the heat with the post office. Anything from mild to wild, baccatum to borg-9, roccoto to reaper is welcome. PM me! Thanks!
  6. W

    wanted WTB Fresh Peppers

    Looking for fresh peppers, habanero heat level and up.
  7. W

    wanted WTB SFRB mustard superhots or 7 pot Jonah

    Please let me know if you have any available. I prefer they pick and ship Monday if possible. Thanks!
  8. W

    wanted WTB CGN21500, Starfish, Aji, blah blah blah

    Please let me know if anyone has super flavorful peppers for sale right now. Only my Bih Jolokia is producing right now, and not very many. Austin weather sucks right now. Thanks!