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  1. shadrack

    After the grow

    Amen to using gloves!  Sometimes I'll get lazy if I'm only cutting up a few pods for an omelette and skip out on "wasting" a pair. Sure enough later in the day or even next morning when I'm dealing with my contacts I pay for it!  You'd think I'd learn but old habits die hard.   BTW this is what...
  2. shadrack

    storage Freezing pods - should I deseed first?

    Some great responses here, thank you.   So far I've made purees where I first deseed and then grind up the pods in a blender.  After which they get cooked down on the stove until reaching the desired thickness and then pressure canned.  I'd imagine the puree is probably close to what a food mill...
  3. shadrack

    storage Freezing pods - should I deseed first?

      Sure, same reason as Hawaiianero mentioned above.  To make sure it's a good pod without mold or other nasties hiding inside.  Also I think they take up less space in a freezer bag by cutting them up.  
  4. shadrack

    storage Freezing pods - should I deseed first?

    So I went a little nuts and had 145 plants this year.   Needless to say I have spent the better part of the summer saving pods by cutting them in half, deseeding, bagging and putting them in the freezer until I have time to use them.   I have spent countless hours doing this and there is no way...
  5. shadrack

    BBC Article On Peppers

    Thanks for sharing.  I had heard some of these findings but did not know peppers had such antimicrobial properties.    From the article:  "More importantly for humans, chillies also evolved to repel microbes. Chillies kill or inhibit 75% of such pathogens."
  6. shadrack

    Contest is closed. Congrats sevenstrings

    Nice contest!  Congrats to the winner!
  7. shadrack

    Contest is closed. Congrats sevenstrings

    825.  Thanks!
  8. shadrack

    pubescens Long term storage suggestions for pubescens/rocotos?

    From searching around I've heard this is THE dish to make with rocotos. I don't speak much spanish but youtube offers a closed captioned translation so I could get the gist of it.  My mouth was watering by the end! Too bad the pubes I have would be more like poppers compared to those monsters.  ...
  9. shadrack

    pubescens Long term storage suggestions for pubescens/rocotos?

      This is exactly what I was hoping to hear.  I wasn't sure since they seem to carry so much water in them...made me think I'd have mush city upon thawing.   Wow that is a cool trick.  I'll give it a try some time but even the slightest amount of heat seems to be too much for my family.  It's a...
  10. shadrack

    tutorial Fermenting Peppers 101

    Great information here.  I've started a couple of ferments over the the past few weeks and I THINK they are doing ok.  One is going absolutely bonkers while the other has not even raised the air lock bubbler.   From what I read on here that can be normal in either case?  They are both very close...
  11. shadrack

    pubescens Long term storage suggestions for pubescens/rocotos?

    So I have a modest crop of pubes ripening and want to get some ideas on which way is best to store these long term until I decide to make a sauce or cook with them.    I dehydrated one which tasted good and would make a nice powder but the juiciness is a big part of what makes these unique so...
  12. shadrack

    Aji Amarillo

    This is my first year growing Amarillo's.  Take FOREVER to ripen, so much so that I've been harvesting pubes and rotocos for two weeks but am just now getting Amarillos ripe enough to pick.  :confused:
  13. shadrack

    dry vs fresh

    I think purees retain a lot of the true pepper flavor of a fresh pod.  They aren't perfect but a good way to split the difference between frozen and dried.  Plus they store well if you pressure can them and are also easy to use when cooking.  
  14. shadrack

    Mis-labeled as Aji 'Rainforest' ?

    I have the same thing.  They came to me as Rain Forest from coachspenserxc and end up ripening to an orangish/red.     Mine are very thick walled, not at all similar to the review Nigel did on the Rain forest.   Rainforest or not, they are a unique baccatum. Starting out white and ending orange...
  15. shadrack

    My 2 biggest pods yet

    Huge pods or small hands.   :P  Nice!
  16. shadrack

    She's a big one and need help with id

    Nice one!  I have a few monsters growing too.  Must be all that rain we've had this summer. 
  17. shadrack

    video The smileyguy697 video collection

    Lol isn't there some kind of law against this?!?  Love it!
  18. shadrack

    Aji Mango

    **Edit:  I just had a 3rd pod that blew my mind with it's rich fragrance and flavor compared to the previous.  I think this last one was a bit more ripe.  Anyway, I had to add a bit more to the review because of it.     Beautiful orange pods!   I have a second plant with pods that look a bit...
  19. shadrack

    annuum Jalapenos from Mexico

    I have not tried the pods yet, waiting for them to ripen a bit more.  Below is a pic of two of the more mature pods, they measure 5+ inches long, which is absolutely beastly for a jalapeno.   Maybe I'll make a popper from one tonight, that should be enough for a meal!   :shocked:   (g-shock...
  20. shadrack

    Joyner's What am I?

    Aji Habanero.  My pods started the same way, looked like they were darkening with rot on the bottoms but i've finally had a couple start to ripen.   Tried one, no rot, it was just some darkening/staining for whatever reason but tasted great.    This pic was from 5/29, I just got a pod to ripen...