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  1. mtski

    overwintering Overwintering Ghost Pepper - Black Leaves?

    Hello Hot Pepper Forum. I'm excited to get back into growing chillies after some time. I was wondering if anybody could help identify an issue I am having with a Ghost Pepper plant I am overwintering. The Problem: Black leaves and leaf tips. This is not the same as dying or withering of leaves...
  2. mtski

    Rate my plants?

    Hello all, Just wanted to make a post here, not really sure where I should have post this so Im putting it here. Anyway how do these plants look? I dont seem to be having any issues other than a lot of flowers falling off my habanero plant. I do have a few peppers coming and I cant wait. Let me...
  3. mtski

    Stunted 7 Pod Primo - Any advice?

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I am a huge fan of hot peppers so I picked up the habit of growing peppers indoors as I am in the midwest and live in an apartment. My 7 pod primo appears to be stunted and was wondering if anyone might have any advice as to what might be causing it. That and I...