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  1. J

    Seed sources other than peppers.

    I'm search around for seed sources for other garden variety veggies. When I do a search in Google I get some astronomical number of search results. With all the unreliable suppliers out there where is a safe place to order a selection of different veggie seeds? Thanks everyone.....
  2. J

    Yellowish new leaves on TMS

    I have seven TMS plants that have looked great for the last few weeks. This morning I noticed that a lot of the new leaves are yellow. All the older foliage looks nice and green. I did recently water them. It had been two weeks and they pots were super light but the plants had not shown any...
  3. J

    Air-pots vs Fabric pots

    So I have been doing some reading.....maybe a but over overload. Could someone tell me if there is a substantial difference between these two pot "technologies"? I had been thinking about doing one or two of each as a comparison and seeing what happens. Any input is appreciated.  ...
  4. J

    TMS pinch or not to pinch?

    For everyone who has helped this new guy so fare I thank you much. My plants are seriously kicking and everything is green and pretty, and I'm having a lot of fun with this. I noticed tonight that I have what appears to be flower buds forming one of my 12" tall plants. After search about...
  5. J

    raised-bed Raised beds

    I live on a large wooded lot with only a small bit of space that has good day time light. I had cleared just enough when I built my house. I plan Sunday to open the area up to accommodate my new found hobby. My plan is to do a raised beds. One of the main reasons being the convenience of working...
  6. J

    More questions from a new guy.....(Picture update Week 9)

    Ok, so some more indigestion from Jay... Just some question that have been bugging me. I did get a lot of helpful answers from my other thread and have come to terms with my edema. I just seek more here goes. At any point will the foliage on my plants be to heavy for the size...
  7. J

    Help me identify scary anomaly

    Ok, I'm new and this is my first go round growing anything. I have four pepper plants that are inside since its to cold outside. Everything has been going great until I noticed some bumps on the bottom of my plants leaves. I tried to removed them with just my finger nail but they don't budge. I...
  8. J

    Hello from Maryland

    OK, so I'm pretty much new to gardening let alone peppers.  I have a lot of hobbies and some of them are just getting to expensive so I've decided to get into something a little less intrusive to my wallet, plus I love spicy food and cooking. So what better idea then to grow my own peppers.  My...