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  1. Daniel92

    soil Lowering soil pH.

    I've been reading about lowering soil pH and it's been confusing so far, I bought some aluminum sulfatet thinking it should be a good way to lower it. I'm keeping all my growing organic and after reading it can be toxic to humans i'm looking for some advice on it. I bought a garden mix from a...
  2. Daniel92

    greenhouse Ants in greenhouse - is this a problem?

    I've working on building a greenhouse with rasiedbeds, I layed down some old roofing shingles for a weed barrier, came back a week later and I have a ant colony starting to come in under the shingles. Will the ants disturb peppers in the beds? I take it I will not want to leave these guys right...
  3. Daniel92

    25 lbs of tomatoes a week?

    I know there are probably a lot of variables to this question, and this might be silly to ask, but If someone was wanting to grow a Indeterminate variety such as Atkinson or Brandywine tomato how many plants would you think a individual would need to plant to produce around 25 pounds of tomatoes...
  4. Daniel92

    pests Aphids

    Over the last year I have been battling aphids off and on with my plants (potted) Indoors and outdoors, while my plants have done great outdoors this year I decided to bring my plants indoors since I typically keep them going through the winter, however I just found some aphids on my plants...
  5. Daniel92

    Pepper stems dying.

    I have a couple bhut jalokia plants that some of the stems are slowly turning brown and dying. Both plants are about about 1.5 years old and are green and heathy looking. I looked for a sign of pests but I dont recognize any. Any ideas on what this is? This is happening to more than one plant...
  6. Daniel92

    pests Oh my aphids, why did I do it.

    I was on lunch break at subway in walmart across from my work the other day, and on my way back to work I decided to walk out through the garden center, I guess my brain wasn't working becuase I left with a couple small pepper plants (jalapeno and cayenne) after work I potted them up and layed...
  7. Daniel92

    Bhut Jolokia leaves turning yellow fast.

    I have a Bhut Jolokia the leaves are starting to turn yellow very fast, just within two days. I had another one do this and drop most of its leaves, then I found I had whiteflys, I thought it was just becuase of that. Long story short the whiteflys are gone after spraying the leaves for a couple...
  8. Daniel92

    Hello From Tulsa,Ok!

    Hello! I'm Daniel, I'm new to growing chilli's! I've started by growing some ghost peppers! This was my first chilli, its about 11 weeks old. I can't wait to get involed in this forum and learn from the wealth of information you have here! Soon I hope to build a hydroponic growing system for my...