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  1. 6

    When to pick sweet peppers?

    Hi! This is my first time growing sweet peppers. They've been hot peppers up till now. How long should they stay cookin' in the sun once they've turned colors (Jimmy Nardellos)?
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    Pepper buds falling off?

    Hi folks, I have a Jimmy Nardello plant with a couple nice but still immature peppers and a ton of developing buds. There's quite a few newly formed pepper buds that are dropping off. The ratio of fallen to potential peppers is quite low so I'm not overly concerned but I feel like it's trying...
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    Sweetening agents for peppers

    Does anyone here use products like Flora Nectar, Carboload or molasses with the intent to sweeten or otherwise add flavor to your hot peppers? I'm trying to resist the urge to sink $20 into a bottle of Flora Nectar for my tomatoes and peppers. Looks great on paper... do you have any experiences?
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    15-20lb+ fabric pot question

    Really, this a a two-parter.... Mixing up a big (for me) bag of soil and wondering about letting it cook in a semi decent fabric pot (ala Smart pots, GeoPots, etc.) but have never used any over 7 Gallon. If you were looking for something in the 20-30 gallon or maybe more range, what are you...
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    CalMag question

    I've been using distilled water on my Jalapenos since they were seedlings. They started looking sickly even though they were flowering and starting to fruit. I finally figured out they were calcium and/or magnesium deficient. I have one in straight ProMix that was deteriorating quickly and that...
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    Hardening off - quick question

    Thanks to the good folks here coaching me through a couple steps, I've got some youngins' ready for transplant. Do you harden off in the solo cup or transplant (3 gallon containers in my case) and then harden off?
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    Tomotos in Florida

    If this is even possible: Being the beginning of August here in Florida, is there any variety I could start now and possibly have success? I never tried growing tomotos - I'm actually doing it for an old, ailing father in law. Would love to give him a head start on something. Thanks.
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    seeds All of the Jalapeños and none of the Superhots germinated?

    I did not soak any of the seeds as some recommendations suggest. All of the Jalapeños (different varieties, different suppliers) sprouted and growing their second leaf set. No sign of the Naga, Butch T, Moruga, etc. I can estimate possible causes - but all things being equal, does that sound...
  9. 6

    How long in the Solo Cup?

    When are you guys transplanting your peppers from their Solo Cups to their final resting container?
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    shopping Online shopping recommendation?

    Hi guys, I shop locally when possible - any suggestions for a reputable online site for supplies? Liquid fertilizers, grow bags, lights, etc. Looks like most of Amazon is mostly 3rd party vendors so I'm wondering what sites you frequent when you need something.
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    pests Are these aphids?

    I think these are aphids? My first pest encounter as a new grower.   Assuming they are, I'd like to try home remedies first. I hear dishsoap, garlic and hot pepper mixed in water are good solutions?   I wouldn't call this an infestation yet. I'd welcome your suggestions as well.  ...
  12. 6

    seeds Ocean Forest or Pro-Mix BX for seedling transplants?

    I've got bags of both and sprouts starting to pop up in Rapid Rooters. Given the choice, which soil would you choose for the transplants? I think experimenting - some destined for Pro-mix and some destined for Ocean Forest - might involve more management than I'm interested in (assuming...
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    greenhouse Purchasing a greenhouse

    Has anyone here purchased (for instance, from one of the assemble it yourself models? Maybe something that would accomodate 10-12 plants. They don't look terribly expensive and I'm wondering if it would: --Improve the quality of the plant by providing it some shade and...
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    Rapid Rooter question

    For those using these, are you forcing the seed deep into the pocket or just dropping it in? Would be interested in hearing your (hopefully) success stories and tips and tricks with these.
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    Heat vs Flavor

    Figured I would ask here since this forum section has an emphasis on flavor. Which pepper do you find strikes the right balance? Jalapeños are great but sometimes they just don't kick. But I don't find Reapers and Scorpions practical when I feel like digging into a hot pepper. So, where's...
  16. 6

    Pepper ID

    The tag said Serrano but pretty sure that ain't this...     Of course, I'm struggling with everything else but this mystery pepper is growing like weed,,,  
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    Simple solutions for beginners

    I've been surfing here for a couple weeks and seems like most of the content here, while very informative and interesting, is too advanced for me. In other words, there's a lot of detail here about fine-tuning and honing your craft but it leaves the beginner (me) fumbling for fundamentals.   For...
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    Too late to start planting in Florida

    Heading into the middle of the summer here in Florida and wondering if I missed my opportunity to begin planting new seeds?   I'm told in Florida we can grow all year - but wasn't sure if July was too late (and too hot) to start a couple new plants from scratch.   Thoughts?
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    Do pods turn brown/black before ripening?

    I have a Carolina Reaper with green pods all over it. They're beginning to turn a brown, almost black color. I was starting to get concerned - but I just read that's normal before they ripen? Is that true or did I unknowingly damage my plants? If you hadn't already guessed, this is my first...
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    Greetings from a Floridian

    Hello all, I just signed up today after a couple weeks of lurking. As a newbie with 5-6 budding plants, I have so many questions. However, I think it appropriate to first thank you all for the insight I've already gleaned just from reading. Quick profile on me: good old fashioned hot pepper...