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  1. C

    harvesting finally a harvest!

    Thanks to the gracious KingLeerUK who gifted me with some awesome plants a few months ago, I finally got to pick a few ripe ones!  Behold the glory that is Trinidad Scorpion and Devil's Tongue.... to be sampled later, wish me luck boys!  I will report back with sampling results...  
  2. C

    Cheap DIY Earthbox

    During a recent trip to Costco, I came across this little gem for $8.99:     I've been mulling ideas about building a larger Earthbox, and I thought this might just fit the bill.  In this build I'm going to attempt to go as cheap as possible, let's see how I do...   Here are the supplies and...
  3. C

    Catastrophic's Total Newbie Grow Time!

    So I've decided to pair my love of all things spicy with my total hack gardening knowledge and glog the results.  It's your time to waste...   I acquired 2 earthboxes from a garage sale awhile back for pennies on the dollar and elected to put them to use on this project.  The plants were all...
  4. C

    Another Florida member...

    There seem to be a bunch of us... at least FL has a few things going for it!  Anyway, I'm trying to feed my "growing" interest in hot and superhot peppers... looks like I came to the right place!   I hope to learn alot from you guys and gals and maybe meet up with a few of my fellow central...