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  1. Peptacular

    Pep's Late Start Glog

    As the title implies, I got off the line a bit slow. Owing to this, only having one seed tray, and no knowledge of my seeds viability/age (given by very generous users here, I thank ye) I took a shotgun approach and planted all seeds of a variety per cell. It worked out well as some varieties...
  2. Peptacular

    pests Ants and aphids

    Anyone know a sure fire way get rid of aphids and ants in the garden? I mention the ants specifically because they seem to be shepherding the aphids onto one of my pepper plants in large numbers. The aphids werent a real problem til the ants showed up. I sprayed the effected plant and those in...
  3. Peptacular

    Help! Massive thrip damage!

    I went out of town for less than a week and when I came back I had silver spots everywhere on my tomato and cucumber leaves! Couldnt find any live ones but their frass is everywhere on the silvered leaves. Only a couple pepper leaves affected but I want to nip this in the bud, as it were. Any...
  4. Peptacular

    Tay's Glog 2013: Electric Boogaloo

    Love the site and glogs here! bout time I created my own. Guess I'm starting this blog out on the left foot, since I'm kicking off with pics of my plants yet to meet real terra firma. Only 4 peppers, 2 maters, and a gaggle of cucs in the ground anyways. This will change in the next couple days...
  5. Peptacular

    Fungal or bacterial spotting?

    Anyone able to diagnose this and suggest treatment? I already removed the affected leaves and am considering spraying the plants with an epsom salt solution or copper fungicide.
  6. Peptacular

    Beginners luck ran out

    I had this bad split in my hab plant that became heinous in high winds today. No one to blame but myself since the split was started by yours truly in a drunken stupor. but its gone from minor to the reckoning. Is it worth trying to save this stem? or should i just lop it off now? Ive got the...
  7. Peptacular

    Ghetto lst rig

    Just some twine and old, dried out paint bottles. Did it a few min ago hammered and still can't stop laughing. Overhead The little proto and mini leaves that prompted the drunken project
  8. Peptacular

    Massive amounts of ground level leaves

    I'm not too worried about it because they look healthy for now, just seems a bit weird, but my hab is putting out massive amounts of tiny leaves really close to the ground. Is this a good thing? Bad? Normal?
  9. Peptacular

    Salutations from Virginia!

    Hello all! I've been lurking for a few days, and this place seems to have a helpful and knowledgeable community. It is my first time growing peppers, or much of anything really. I'm starting out with small nursery plants since I decided to try growing so late. I will try sowing seeds next year...