Search results

  1. SeanW

    SeanW's 2015 Glog - Got Hydro?

    Woah...I uh...totally flaked on last year's glog. I have a 1 year old. That'll happen. The moral of the story last year was that none of my plants really performed all that great save for the plants in the DWC. I didn't really get out much to take care of things, so that was probably why. I also...
  2. SeanW

    What's up with my serrano?

      The leaves are curling up, and some are kinda droopy.   It's in a soilless mix, coco and perlite, with some composted chicken manure (chickity doo doo), azomite, greensand, bloodmeal, bonemeal and kelp meal added.   I've got two other peppers in the same mix, a jalapeno and a tabasco. They...
  3. SeanW

    SeanW is back...and the hydro plants are all in!

    What the heck, weather? 70 degrees one day, snow the next?    Anyway, this year is going to be way stepped back from last year. We now have a 7 week old baby in the house, and between preparing for his arrival and actually having him here, I didn't get a chance to get any seeds started. They'll...
  4. SeanW

    wanted Maras/Urfa Biber/Aleppo Seeds Wanted

    Hi, I'm trying to dig up some hard to find middle eastern pepper plants. This is a cross-post from the growing forum, but maybe someone will have an idea. I don't mind if it's just a "hey, try here for the seeds," or if it's someone selling fresh pods, or whatever. The varieties I'm looking...
  5. SeanW

    Syrian and Turkish Peppers

    This topic (according to the search) seems to come up about once a year, so I'll make this year's post :) Does anyone have a good source for Aleppo (also known as Halaby) or Urfa Biber seeds? I can't find any around. From what I've read, whatever treatment they use to dry the aleppo also kills...
  6. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Hello and greetings :) My first post here, and I'm prepping for my first major season growing. I've done a few small pepper plants here or there, and two summers ago I tried for some variety of ghost chili or other (the pop top cans you can get from thinkgeek), which turned out to look like...