Search results

  1. eyeisburning

    hybrid What Pepper Cross do you wish existed?

    I would like to see a Beni highlands crossed with a Fatalii. Same taste but quicker time to harvest. What else would be cool? Matt
  2. eyeisburning

    Pusa Jwala not turning red

    Hi all! We are about to have our first hard freeze tonight and was wondering if I should bother to protect my Pusa Jwalas or not and just pick the green peppers. The plants have been loaded with green peppers about 4-5 inches long since the beginning of November and they refuse to turn red. I...
  3. eyeisburning

    vendor Judy @ AAAAAAA+++++++++

    Best seed bank ever! Ordered 7 packs of seeds, got 6 additional free packs and a HUGE bag of dried 7 bod brown peppers for free! VERY generous seller and she has a loyal customer for life! I am not affiliated in one way with them, just a happy camper! Matt
  4. eyeisburning

    heat Hottest Thai pepper?

    Hi all! What do you guys recommend for a really hot Thai type pepper? I really like the Super pepper but want something way hotter. I'm looking at Thai Dragon but am confused because some sellers have it as an heirloom and others have an F1. Also looking at Thai Super hot. Anybody here...
  5. eyeisburning

    Hello from Arizona!

    Hello! This is my first post. Garden is starting to produce. Will have lots of photos soon, I hope :) Matt