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  1. DonDix

    Does growing conditions have effect on podshape?

    Hi everyone...   Hope your plants are doing great... This is my first year growing superhots and partly the reason was that I think that they look cool with bumpy surface and stingers...   I do have some wrinkled pods and a few with stingers, but none with the bumpy surface... Maybe these will...
  2. DonDix

    DonDix Hydroponics Growlog...

    Hi pepperlovers... :welcome: Inspired by all your growlogs I decided to start one my self... I have only started my second season and this is the first attempt to grow hydroponics... I have read alot and think that I am well suited to start, but I don't expect it to not cause any trouble... I...
  3. DonDix

    First time hydro-growing - few questions...

    Hi everyone! :-) Now I could not resist anymore and had to try hydroponics... I read alot here and that way I have come a long way in understanding the princip... I have build 2 bubble-buckets and bought a WaterFarm... Bubble buckets - When transplanting a sedling into the netpot filled with...
  4. DonDix

    Homebuild DWC-system... No worries about PVC?

    Hi everyone... Im thinking about making a bubblerbucket as my first dwc-system... I cant find any buckets in right size which is for food storage... I might be a foom using the searchtool, but I cant find any info that can answer my question... Is there no problems in using a bucket of pvc or...
  5. DonDix

    sun Royal Gold turning dark at the sunside?

    Hello outthere... First season of growing peppers and loving it... A few plants got mature fruits and cooking with the first homegrown peppers has begun... Great! I have a little beautiful plant with very many fruits called Royal Gold... The plant is in a sunny window and have been there for a...
  6. DonDix

    Trinidad Scorpion Puré (CaJohn) - How hot compared to fresh chile?

    Hello... I just got a 2 oz. bottle of CaJohn's Trinidad Scorpion Puré containing 80% Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blends and 20% vinegar... I was prepared to have the hottest spoonfull ever, but it was not hotter than I expected at all... As I don't have any market around supplying fresh...