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  1. piscal3

    Whitefly help fellow south floridians

    First time grower I had 60 plants all maybe 3 months old whiteflies have taken over and are killing all my plants. I've tried neem oil ,dish washing soap, whatever it doesn't work .. Anyone else having these issues or have a solution I'd appreciate thanx
  2. piscal3

    Habanero Pepper Sauce

    Cooking the chiles would reduce the distinctive flavor of the habaneros in this hot sauce, so add them raw. The high percentage of both acetic and citric acids keeps the sauce from spoiling.. 12 habanero chiles, stems removed, chopped 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp...
  3. piscal3

    favorite what your favorite place to buy seeds

    Total noob i was wondering what sites you use for buying seeds..i just started so i cant interested in chocalate habenero,yellow 7 pot,tobasco, and many looked like a good site..let me know thanks
  4. piscal3

    Pepper Gods vs. Snake

    [IMG][/IMG Just got my first two pepper plants ever.. sooo i wake up to check on my peppers on like my forth day as a pepper grower and found a decapitated snake(in front of the pots)..Do you believe in pepper Gods? The Gods stepped...
  5. piscal3


    file://localhost/Users/al6958/Desktop/photo.JPG no clue how to add a pic or delete a post my bad
  6. piscal3

    first seed purchase what do you think

    i just made my first seed purchase, it was a sampler pack what do you think? Caribbean Red, Habanero, Scotch Bonnet, Fatalii.
  7. piscal3


    hello all i have two plants that were given to me that are very small..i wanted to start growing my own.What peppers would you guys recommend getting for best yield to give me some growing confidence?i live in south florida
  8. piscal3

    South Florida newb could use your help

    Hello all ,new gardener here and I could use help .I have a jalapeƱo plant I got as a gift now I want some super hots ..can anyone give me a walk thru or tips on how they do it down here? Thanks everyone
  9. piscal3

    New grower Boynton Beach,Fl

    Hello everyone just started growing got a cayenne and a jalapeno plant as a house warming present now im hooked..Looking forward to getting many more plants with a little more FIRE..Any advise would be greatly appreciated..Thanks everyone