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  1. M

    preservation Preserving open pods?

    Sometimes I find I enjoy having just a little nip of a pepper. Usually when I take off just a little bit, though, the remainder is quite quick to mold. Any ideas for extending shelf life?
  2. M

    Building tolerance?

    How long does it generally take to build up to the hots? I've tried a couple of habs, but I'm really not ready for them yet. I also didn't wear gloves when slicing one...big mistake.
  3. M

    From flowers to peppers

    I'm rather a new hand at gardening in general, and pepper growing particularly (the last couple of years I've tried, pests destroyed my plants). I've been trying to grow serranos this year, and results haven't been terribly spectacular. The plant's still only a foot high, and, while it's got a...
  4. M

    Hello from Redding, CA

    Hello, everyone. How goes? I've enjoyed spice all my life, but am newly trying to get a bit more in to it. I've been trying to grow serranos, with limited success so far.