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  1. B

    Leaf problem

    So these plants have been grown indoors since jan/feb and have all bee fine with no problems what so ever. I dug a border and planted some plants, I put some into buckets and some in tall planting pots. Now they have on nearly all of them on the pics shown. The plants that are still inside are...
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    Advice needed

    Anybody know whats wrong with these? Thanks Barry
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    English Cumberland sausage

    Hi everyone. A few years ago I took up sausage making as I missed the different types of sausage from around the world especially sausages from my home country of England. At the weekend I made a batch of Cumberland sausage which if I may say so myself is bloody lovely. Heres a pic for you all.
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    So I discovered today that the A...... word is over running my chillies. I have ordered Ladybugs (wont ship till Tuesday, the grow store is closed till Tuesday. What would you all recommend? Thanks Happy Labor day Barry
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    Leaf curl

    Hi everyone. I am getting alot of leaf curl and some wilting. The appear to be nice and green. I have been watering once a day in the mornings. I was worried that I was over watering them. any ideas what this could be? I can get pics uploaded tonight. Thanks Barry
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    I am using Botanicare pro bloom. It says to use every watering. Now I have read that alot of people advise to feed once a week. Should I follow the label. Also how important is a feeding schedule ? Thanks Barry
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    Does anybody flush their soil through when they are buckets/pots? Is flushing recommeded? and if so what flush do you use and/or is there a homemade flush? Thanks Barry
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    Help with a grow room

    I am looking at setting a up a grow room for the winter. What equipment will I need as in light and heat removal? Im thinking of using a plastic tube frame and insulation sheets for the frsme. Thanks
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    Can anyone help me find a fellow THP forumer. He responded on here to a topic before the server went down. He is from Flint, MI and has a grow room made of plastic tubing and insulation. I need to ask hime some questions. Thanks for the help Barry
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    I've got bad wind

    :lol: I am having problems with wind. The chillies are taking a bit of a kicking. I have no way of making a buffer of any kind. So what do you guys suggest? Thanks Barry
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    bottling Bottling

    Where do you get your bottles from online? Thanks Barry
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    Growing Chillies in buckets

    I see at alot of people grow their plants in buckets. What is the gain from this? Thanks
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    misc Ladybugs

    Hi all. I am getting really bad Aphid problems. So I think Ladybugs is the solution. I have nowhere local to purchase Ladybugs so does anybody have an suggestions where to get them online? Thanks Barry
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    Help please

    The flowers on my Cayenne seem to dry out in to a brown crisp and drop. here is a picture. Is that ok? Thanks Barry
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    pests Bugs

    Can anyone tell me what bugs these are and if they harmful. If so what should I do? Thanks
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    My first year of growing chillies

    Here are just a few pics of some of my chillies. The first pic is a cayenne. The second is a Thai Dragon and the other are 2 where labeled red chili they have some browning on the leaves. Any ideas what that is...
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    Growing chillies in a small apartment

    Hi all I am new here (see my introduction into the hall flame in the new members area) I am new to growing chillies and would really like any tips and pointers on the best way to grow chillies in a small envoirment with a small balcony. All help will be much appreciated. Thanks Barry
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    Hello from a Englishman in Michigan

    Hi everyone. I am originally from England (moved to California in 2006)and I am married to a San Diegan and have a wonderful pain the ass daughter now living in the very underated Traverse City in north west Michigan. I am new to growing chillies and herbs but I love cooking and I decided to...