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  1. T

    Woolsey's 2012 grow log

    Year 2 of pepper growing officially began on 1-8-2012, lets hope for a better year this year with more patience and less heat from the texas sun! This year I have 13 different peppers, germinating 4 of each, unless otherwise noted. Grow List Sonoran Chile Tepin(wild picked) Black Pearl Numex...
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    brain strain rematch vid

    So it's been awhile since I have been able to really do anything on here, school has been a beast this semester with it being my graduating semester. So, I figured I would get back into the swing of things with a nice, embarassing video. Some of you may remember my first brain strain video, I...
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    video Bhut Carbon video taste test

    This one, as far as the eating part goes, was a very easy pepper to do. Really thin walls so very little chewing was needed. The pain, however, was not so easy to deal with. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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    video embarrasing video

    This was not a very well thought out challenge, just kinda did it on a whim. I did not give this pepper the respect it deserved and I regret doing that in retrospect. There are 2 videos that are with this since I recorded on a memory stick and can't figure out how to combine the two clips, oh...
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    Want to make some chili

    I want to make a batch of chili, problem is I have never hade any before. I don't want to use the packets of stuff you get from walmart, because I want to make this kinda like my signature thing. Anyone got a good base that I can use to start from and tweak from there? I appreciate any and all...
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    annuum Choc. Jalapeno?

    My fiance's parents grown their own jalapeno's every year. This year most are ripening red, but my fiance brought home a bag of ripe ones for me the other night and one of them in the bag had a very distinct chocolate color to it. I was immediately excited when I saw this and wasted no time in...
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    Growth has stopped

    I have a few late starts that are still inside under lights. Up until about a week ago they were exploding with height and new leaves and then ask of a sudden they just stopped. I'm using 4 T12 GE plant and aquarium lights about 12hrs on and off. When I feed, I feed with a mix of fox farms grow...
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    pests Is this bug good or bad?

    Just saw these things on my plants today. They only seem to be concerned with this plant and not other plant. There is no visible damage from where they have been on the leaves or anything, just didn't know what they were. Anyone ever seen these?
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    video Yellow 7 Pod video

    This thing was pretty rough, can't imagine what a douglah or Butch T would be like, but I'm willing to try!
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    naga viper

    Back at the end of 2010 of course is when all the buzz about this pepper came about. I saw that he was making a sauce with it, the bhut, and vinegar and decided to order a couple bottles from him(as they were only 50ml. bottles). I got them and tried a spoonfull of it, and it was hot but nothing...
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    First Super hot test

    alright here it is, not as bad as I thought.Yellow 7 Video tomorrow.
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    Thanks Cappy

    I got these in the mail at work yesterday and screamed so loud(out of happiness of course) that I scared everyone in the lobby. These are the first super hots I have ever tried and they were awesome. Tried the fatalis last night and today, but I'm absolutely terrified of the yellow 7's. I'm...
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    Need Suggestions

    I know everyone here says the worst thing to do is eat a super hot on an empty stomach. So, what are the best choices for a pre-pepper snack? I just got a box full of pods in today from cappy and can't wait to try my very first super hot, but I want to do it as inteligently as possible(sounds...
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    Anyone know what this is

    I am only seeing this coloration on this plant. I'm not sure what it is, it's supposed to be a bhut, but I got it from and I have heard that you either get the real thing or you end up with carribean reds. So here is the pic for ya...
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    Newbie Mistake!

    So this being my first year growing I figured I would just go out and get any seedling greenhouse kit and get some good dirt and plop some seeds in and watch the magic of mother nature happen...WRONG! Granted the fair share of my misfortunes so far this season have come from my impatience, or...
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    scorpion chili sauce company

    Just wanted to know if anyone has ordered anything from these guys, I believe David Marshall is his name? I ordered a bottle of his "Lust" sauce and never got any sort of order confirmation or anything, the card I used was charged through paypal though. I sent payment on june 21 and still...
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    We have a customer at my work that has his own kettle corn company and is constantly making new flavors. He is trying to make a spicy one but the company that he is getting the spicy sprinkle stuff from is basically sending him flavored salt. He doesn't need anything from a super hot, since this...
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    soil Soil Drainage Issue

    I have my plants planted in 5 gallon buckets and have had negative results ever since they have been in them. I have seen everything from severe yellowing(which I know was over feeding on my part, so I flushed everything), to very curled and wrinkled leaves, to now one of my plants has...
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    Just can't seem to get this growing thing figured out

    I have a tomato, mulato, bhut, and trinidad scorpion plant that all look pretty bad. I did over nute them about a month ago but flushed repotted everything with a 50/50 mix of coco coir and foxfarms ocean once I found out that it comes hot right out of the bag. I then flushed everything just to...
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    soil soil sterilization idea?

    For next season I'm thinking of reusing some of my soil from this year, and of course will need to sterilize it just to be safe. Problem is the fiance seems to have a problem with me putting loads of dirt in the oven or microwave. I was wondering if I could achieve the same results if I fired up...