Search results

  1. PepperWhisperer

    First Fatalii - YUM!

    Bought a few peppers at the farmers market today and at the end the guy said, "I'll throw this one in as a bonus, it's a fatalii, so be careful." I didn't even notice it sitting there or I would have snagged it myself, but I was super excited, since I have never had the opportunity to taste...
  2. PepperWhisperer

    chinense Red Scorpions at the grocery!

    The guy in front of me at the checkout had one of these packages. I asked him where he found them and then sprinted out of line to grab a pack. $3.98 for 50 grams (about 1.8 ounces). I made it through about half of one with my lunch yesterday. Definitely the hottest thing I have ever had by a...
  3. PepperWhisperer

    Pepper leaves - edible!

    I never heard of eating pepper leaves, but the other day my mother-in-law tossed a big fistful of young pepper leaves in some soup. I was totally shocked, and when I asked her about it she gave me a look like I was some kind of idiot. "Sure! of course you can eat them, they are delicious!" I...
  4. PepperWhisperer

    Best heat killer - avocado?

    The other day I had a small inferno raging in my mouth from a nice homegrown caribbean red I ate with lunch. There were a few slices of avocado left over from the earlier prep and I decided they looked tasty. A few chews and down the hatch..and after that the burn was magically doused!    Way...
  5. PepperWhisperer

    shopping Grocery store finds

    Found these two in the "habanero" bin at the grocery. The red one kinda sorta looks like a jolokia of some variety. The yellow one is...yellow.
  6. PepperWhisperer


    Laugh if you want, but this is what I call a beautiful pepper. This is the first full red ripe pod, I had a few green ones 'cause I just couldn't wait. In the world of Jalapenos, these are about a 7 out of 10 for heat. I am so looking forward to devouring this baby. Check out the major corking...
  7. PepperWhisperer

    Mycorrhizae - for free?

    Today I was transferring one of my "extra" seedlings to the ground and in the little hole I dug for it I found some stray roots, probably from the nearby persimmon tree...totally busting with mycorrhizal colonies! At that moment I felt almost like I had struck gold in my backyard. I am now...
  8. PepperWhisperer

    hydroponic AACT - accidental hydroponic system

    So, the other day I was starting up my second batch of tea. After I went crazy on the molasses on my first batch, I decided to follow the advice here and just use finished compost and a handful of green vegetable matter. Well, my water was ready and I had just done a round of weed pulling so I...
  9. PepperWhisperer

    Persimmons - how to deter birds?

    We have 2 small persimmon trees, but every year we end up with at most 1-2 ripe fruits because various bugs, birds, squirrels, and who knows what else eat every fruit before it can mature. Any ideas on how to keep our fruit safe?
  10. PepperWhisperer

    Root zone temp disaster

    My tepins and some congo browns I sprouted at the same time are totally stalled out with just one or 2 sets of tiny leaves. Today I decided to unpot one and take a look to see what was going on underground. As soon as I turned the pot over I could tell I was in trouble. The soil was probably...
  11. PepperWhisperer

    AACT not foaming

    I started this batch of tea yesterday and it isn't making any foam, is something wrong? Ingredients: about 2 T molasses, 3 handfuls of potting soil (composted wood, rabbit poo, bird poo, perlite), about 1 oz fish&seaweed liquid fert (3-1-1) and 1 rusty nail.
  12. PepperWhisperer

    seeds True Scotch Bonnet seed source?

    OK, I am sure this has been covered, but search doesn't tell me what I want to hear so... I want to grow true Scotch Bonnets, and I want a reliable source for seed...where they at?!
  13. PepperWhisperer

    Epsom salt foliar spray test

    So, my third year plants are having some troubles. Very yellow on the tabasco and the goat's weed with darker veins. My guess is either Magnesium or Iron or both. Since epsom salt is so cheap, I decided to try that first. Here are the plants today 4/10. Sprayed with dilute mixture of epsom salt...
  14. PepperWhisperer

    Wild Tepin hooks!

    So I left my germinating cups sitting on a table on the porch yesterday while I was across town for a family get together. I should have checked the weather since it rained cats and dogs in the early afternoon. The problem is that table sits under the edge of the roof and it gets hit with some...
  15. PepperWhisperer

    Cilantro / Coriander bolting

    I have no problems getting cilantro to grow, but... Just when the plant seems to be getting into full swing, really putting up a lot of growth, they always try to make a seed stalk. This bums me out because it messes with the flavor and the plant stops producing the "good" leaves and puts all...
  16. PepperWhisperer

    Anyone grown mushrooms?

    Has anyone tried growing mushrooms? I love using exotic mushrooms in my dishes, but it is a real pain to find good quality fresh ones in the market. Just wondering how difficult it is to get good results?
  17. PepperWhisperer

    H202 and/or aspirin for bac spot

    I have developed a bad case of bacterial spot on the big trellis of bitter melon vines and I want to stop it before the whole garden gets wiped out. I plan to hit it with H2O2 diluted 1 cup per gallon today to try and slow it down. I also want to try ASA (aspirin) but I can't find any...
  18. PepperWhisperer

    How to remove capsaicin from cutting board?

    I only have one cutting board that I use for pretty much everything. Though it sounds good to me, spicy apples might not go over so well with the 3 year old. How do you get capsaicin off a wood cutting board? Soap and water work ok, but if I chop a bunch of peppers, like for a sauce, or a few...
  19. PepperWhisperer

    Parsnips in coastal climate?

    I love parsnips and grew some great ones when I lived in Roswell. Now I am back on the gulf coast and wondering if there is any hope of getting big, flavorful parsnips out of my garden. Anyone have luck or any advice on getting good results without a cold winter?
  20. PepperWhisperer

    Plants on sale in Houston (yay!)

    Stopped in at the Garden Center near my house for a pot and came home with some plants because they were all 70% off (crazy!). Don't know if they were good deals or not, but I couldn't resist. I got a 6" impatiens that I will probably end up killing for 2 bucks. 3 bucks bagged me a 10" lantana...