Search results

  1. enl422

    Fresh Orange Hab & Red Hab

    Hello all, hope everyone is doing question is does anyone have a wholesaler that they get fresh peppers from. I find myself making huge batches for my coworkers, friends and family. I am looking to get a better price that I am getting at Whole Foods and similar vendors at times I have...
  2. enl422

    chinense Orange Habaneros

    Hello I am looking for a little help I need to know if anyone know of a website where I can buy orange habs & red Savina habs in bulk. I have our 4th of July family reunion and every year they expect me to make them a bunch.
  3. enl422

    Wholesale Peppers

  4. enl422

    co-packer Co-Packer/ Private Label

    Hello, I am down in S. Florida and was wondering if anyone knew of a co-packer down this way. I need them to be reliable and trust worthy. I am looking to get my business off the ground and I would greatly appreciate the heads up. Thanking you in advance...Enl422