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  1. B

    Unknown peppers...Help please

    I started a lot of peppers from seed this year but many seem to not be the correct pepper. I have a pepper that seeds were labled peach reaper which i know it is not. I also have some "chocolate bhutlah" that im very sceptical about. Could any one help me ID what these peppers really are? Heres...
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    Leaf problem

    I have some plants in a greenhouse and here lately the top leaves on some plants have been going very limp and floppy. I water them when their top 2 inch of soil is dry and it gets around 85 to 90 degrees mid day. Heres a link to some photos...
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    Question out of curiosity.

    I started my plants extremly early around December and a bunch have fruit. All the fruit though are not ripening. So on average how long does it take for an extremely spicy pepper (ghost, reaper, ect.) to turn green to ripe? Also how long would it take for less spicy ones like cayenne and aji?
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    Whats on the bottom of my leaves?

    I have some peppers iv been growing for a bit to put outside next month, but some have this weird stuff under their leaves that will not come off. Im not sure what it is but its mainly affecting my purple cayennes. Heres a link to some picks of the leaves...
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    My pepper plants growing very slow

    Hello everyone, I started some peppers from seeds in january and most of the hotter variety are staying small and bushy. My jalapenos and cayennes seem to be growing best. Some of the plants have bumpy leaves, some have yellowish leaves. I feed some hydro through the bottoms of their cup. The...
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    seeds Question for starting seeds early.

    Hey everyone iv decided to start some plants from seed this year and i seem to have germinated a bit to many. I have 94 total planted in cells that are 1.5" square by 2.25" deep. I want to keep as many as I can till last frost so I can move them to a greenhouse. I have little space so I was...
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    Did I do this correctly?

    Hello everyone its been getting cold here where I live so i brought my plants indoors and pruned them down to be over wintered did I do everything right? Here is a picture.
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    lighting Lighting help?

    I want to over winter 4 pepper plants so I purchased some LEDs. I have 4 warm white led(2750k) bulbs I also have 4 daylight led bulbs(5000k). I have a 5 socket outlet so I can't use all 8 bulbs. So my question is will these work at all to help over winter my plants, if so what combination of the...
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    overwintering Overwintering help and tips?

    Hello, my name is Daniel I recently started growing hot peppers this year and have a few I would like to overwinter. The only problem i have is I can't use grow lights where I live, and the only space I have to put my plants are in my closet. I am sorry if this is not the right place to post...