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  1. sm4rt4lex

    sun New Sunsystems LEC315 Not Working!

    I just got a "new" open box Sunsystems LEC 315 and I went to turn it on and nothing happened... Tried a few different cords. Tried a 220 and 110v. No signs of life. Anyone know much about these lights that could offer some suggestions?
  2. sm4rt4lex

    Pepper leaves browning and drying out... please help

    I had this beautiful CGN21500 plant that was growing really well here in scorching Las Vegas. I has been hot for a while but only recently my plant's leaves have started drying out and falling off. I know it could just be under watering but this plant has never once wilted. Is it possible for a...
  3. sm4rt4lex

    overwintering Overwintered plant problems

    Some of the stems on these plants are losing all their leaves and changing from green to yellow to brown... other stems on the same plants are healthy and green. Any ideas? I hope I can save these plants.    
  4. sm4rt4lex

    Looks like I got screwed over, what do you think?

    So I was sold some Carolina Reaper seeds last year from a supposedly reputable dealer online. As you can see the pods don't seem to resemble what I've seen other young reaper pods to look like. They have a relatively smooth skin and no sharp stinger. If you agree that they aren't reapers, any...
  5. sm4rt4lex

    Strange black specks and light colored young leaves

          My orange habanero has these small black specks over many of its leaves. Never seen anything similar before. I'm pretty sure the damage in the first picture was sunburn. Also the new growth coming in is very pale green, almost yellow. I don't know if the two issues are connected but...
  6. sm4rt4lex

    sun Sunburned my plants :(

    Hey All, So its finally gotten nice here in Vegas and I put my over-wintered plants outside and managed to sunburn quite a few leaves on each plant. I kept them inside under lights for a couple days to allow them to recover, losing several leaves off each plant but not enough to worry me. If I...
  7. sm4rt4lex

    indoor Roots vs Plant temperature control, indoors or out

    Hey everyone,   So it is starting to get a little chilly here in Vegas (highs around 58 and lows around 40) and I want to keep my container plants as healthy as I can. In your opinion, is it more important to maintain a warmer temperature for the roots of the plants or the stalk/foliage/flowers...
  8. sm4rt4lex

    seeds MOA Scotch Bonnet seeds

    Hi Everyone, I'm a first year grower living in Las Vegas. I've been reading up on this site about people's favorite peppers and one that seems to pop up quite frequently is the MoA Scotch Bonnet. Unfortunately I can't seem to find anywhere (reputable) that has these seeds in stock. If anyone...