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  1. M

    chinense It seems as though I've grown some Trinidad Scorpions. Now What??

    Because I've always enjoyed peppers and hot-sauce, SWMBO bought me a pepper plant, and without really looking at it have been watering and caring for it for some time now. Only recently did I read the little tag, which says "Trinidad Scorpion." Uh-oh.   There now appears to be a dozen bright...
  2. M

    Tannins, bayleaves and the elusive, but occasionally appearing crunchy pickle

    After a 50/50 success rate for my half-sour crunchy garlic pickles, I've begun to explore the notion that dried bay leaves have no tannins. This of course must be false because tea leaves are both dried and tannin-filled, but I can't seem to find a reason for some pickle batches going soft and...
  3. M

    fermenting Newbie Question: Mash hasn't expanded, fermentation problem?

    I'm new to fermenting, but have made a few sauces that I *think* have been fermented, though there were few clear signs of it happening.   In my uninformed past, I've successfully made 2 jars of half-sour garlic pickles and 2 unsuccessful jars. The goods ones remained crisp and green, and the...