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  1. Coup

    container Having a rough time growing this season

    Howdy boys, Usually I don't have much of an issue with growing peppers, but this is my first year in a new apartment with a balcony that gets no direct sunlight. I rigged up my old 300W Mars Hydro LEDs which have worked wonders for me in the past, but I am just not getting good results so far...
  2. Coup

    sun Problem moving plants outdoors.

    Howdy folks, long time no see! I'm running into an issue with my outdoor transplants. I grew a bunch of peppers indoors, and decided to move some outside to get them in containers to get a jump on the nice weather we've been having. I slowly hardened them off in shade, then partial shade, then...
  3. Coup

    fermenting What do I do with this ferment?!

    Howdy guys!   I harvested a buttload of peppers from our plants this year before the freeze, and decided to start fermenting them. What you see here is two half-gallon jars of peppers, but I have no earthly idea of what to do with the contents.   I've filled them with Pakistani Green Chili...
  4. Coup

    I cannot get this to fruit!

    Yo guys! I've got this super healthy-looking Pakistani green chili that just refuses to fruit at all. Its cousins that are in the ground at work are all putting out hundreds of chilies, but this one refuses to put out even one flower. I've tried heavy dosages of K and P, to no avail. I've tried...
  5. Coup

    What is going ON with this pepper?

    Hey guys!   I've got this Pakistani green chili pepper I've been trying to grow, and I am running into this bizarre issue.   The new growth is tiny, shriveled and dying. Old growth looks great, but I fear the plant isn't going to last in this condition. Here's some pictures:       I've given...
  6. Coup

    Indoor Tomato Issues

    Howdy ya'll.   I'm having issues with my indoor tomato, which is only about a month or two old at this point. She looks a bit like this:        
  7. Coup

    What's the secret to onions?

    Howdy everyone, long time no see.   So I've pretty much gotten peppers figured out easily enough, and I've been trying my hand at a multitude of vegetables. One of the ones I am having the absolute hardest time with right now is onions.   I've always been late getting my onions out, so this year...
  8. Coup

    flavor Figuring out flavors

    Howdy ya'll,   I'm relatively new to the fermentation game, and have made a few homemade sauces myself. However, one thing I've noticed is that I seem to have no ability to create pleasant flavor profiles for what I eventually ferment.    So this weekend I blended up one of my ferments that had...
  9. Coup

    Coup's 2018 Texas Pepper Grow

    Hey everyone!   Been a while since I posted, but I thought I'd let you guys know I am still cranking peppers as I do every year! I didn't really run my glog last year, so I thought I would show you guys what I am up to.   We're moving to a new house in the summer, so I have a stripped-down setup...
  10. Coup

    Indoor tomato plant - what's up?

    So, I've been LED-growing a tomato plant indoors as kind of an experiment. I haven't fertilized this plant directly - it's a large container chock full of fertilizer already, so I imagine as it grows it leeches some new nutrients; hence the super green leaves.   However, the leaves wrinkle. I'm...
  11. Coup

    Making Hot Italian Giardiniera

    So I've been wanting to make my own giardiniera, but I am noticing a trend that the stuff you buy on the store shelves is super delicious and shelf-stable, while the stuff you make at home needs to be used within a few weeks (one place said within 4 days) because of the presence of oil when...
  12. Coup

    Fridge Pickling vs. Canning Pickling

    Heya folks,   Of those of us who have done water-bath canning of our peppers to pickle them, and have also done fridge pickling without the need for a water bath, which one comes out better do you think? Does the low-oxygen environment of a canned pickling jar make a big difference versus simply...
  13. Coup

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

    Howdy there, folks.   I'm wondering what ya'lls favorite salsa recipes are. I've got a cilantro lime salsa I'd love to share with you (it's my girl's favorite and has come out great every time), and would just like some of your personal favorites so I can try em' at home.   Coup's Cilantro Lime...
  14. Coup

    fermenting A long day of ferments and pickling

    Howdy folks one and all, I bring you a particular weekend of my harvest that has been on my plate for some time. I recently got into canning and fermenting, and decided it was time to give it a whirl on my harvest.     Operation was done with a mixture of hot peppers (left sink), sweet peppers...
  15. Coup

    condiment Salsa canning questions

    Howdy folks. Got a question regarding canning salsa for shipping, but I am finding a lot of conflicting information online.   I have this cilantro lime salsa that I make that comes out really nice, but a lot of recipes I find online call for vinegar to make sure it's acidic. However, whenever I...
  16. Coup

    fermenting Ferment help - how's it coming along?

    Hey guys, new fermenter here - I made a pepper mash about six months ago and let it sit in my pantry. The process is done, as far as I can tell, but there's a colony forming on the tippy-top about a quarter in diameter. What do you think?    
  17. Coup

    Indoor tomato plants being weird

    Hello everyone,   I've successfully grown tomatoes indoors for outdoor transplant, and this year I got a late jump because my potting mix for the first round was garbage. I've managed to grow the plants nice and large, almost ready for transplant, but my Super Fantastic variety is giving me...
  18. Coup

    Bizarre Curling

    Howdy folks!   So I've been growing a bunch of pepper plants this year, but I've got two that have me totally stumped. Check these out:     The one on the left is a rocoto, and the one on the right is a red bell pepper. They have been getting the same feeding and the same treatment as their...
  19. Coup

    Coup's 2017 Grow - Second season!

    Hey everyone,   The first garden of my life was a complete success. I harvested so many peppers I don't even know what to do with them, and thanks to the generosity of people like Shorerider in the down under, I am growing an entirely new variety of plants this year and overwintering just three...
  20. Coup

    Heat stress, or leaf curl virus?

    I figured this would be easier if I just showed you guys:  