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  1. twenty

    health brown leaf spots on aji

    hey guys, just noticed these spots, first on one aji yesterday and now on another this am. all other peppers look fine but am concerned that this may need to be addressed before it has a chance chance to spread. - water only when they start to droop, never in direct sunlight. - I mist the...
  2. twenty

    should i intervene?

    i only germinated 6 of each pepper this year and was pretty lucky.... except with the ghost reds.  two+ weeks in i've only had one come up and it's...... well here's the pic     my question is, should i let nature run its course or attempt to help the lil guy out?
  3. twenty

    'Tis coming to an end...... but i don't wanna give up

    well, here in not so tropical southern Ontario our season has quickly turned from mid 30's to the low teens in about a month. it actually dipped down to about 5 degrees for the last couple nights but the long range is showing low teens at night warming to high teens during the day for the next...