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  1. Verdade

    health Ghost Pepper Help

    Hi Everyone, This is not my first time growing peppers, however it is the first time I’ve only grown a single plant. I have had good luck growing in containers and it appears my luck may be running out(?) I was given a ghost last month that was a few inches tall and wasn’t root bound. I...
  2. Verdade

    What’s Happening Here?

    Hello all, Ive been growing peppers successfully in pots over the last few years. Ive dealt with aphids in the past but havent seen this issue before. This last week Ive seen the top leaves on my peppers shriveled looking. The lower leaves seem ok. They are not dry feeling and I cant see any...
  3. Verdade

    Cayenne Issue

    I'm growing 2 cayenne pepper plants this season as a part of my mix.  I noticed that one of the plants has recently developed a yellow tinge to some of the leaves as well as some spotting.  Can anyone assist me with a diagnosis please?   Feel free to ask questions if more details are needed.      