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  1. zumajoe

    4.5 Months successful grow - now under (possible) BLS attack :(

    I'm pretty sure it's gotta be Bacterial Leaf Spot (BLS) - most of my plants are getting these little dark spots and on the Aji Limon it's starting to make the bottom leaves droop / yellow / drop.   I've removed the most infected leaves, and the plants are getting thinner by the day from...
  2. zumajoe

    seeds Good source for Scotch Bonnet MOA seeds?

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if there's a sub-forum for these requests, but could someone recommend me where I could get some official MOA scotch bonnet seeds?  Thanks! -Joe
  3. zumajoe

    Yellow Patches / Splotches - Disease v.s. Deficiency?

    Making a new thread here, discussed with a few others over in the chat and have another thread specifically related to Thrips - but I'd like to get some more exposure to a recent problem in hopes of narrowing down the issue. A good amount of my plants (even different species) are showing varying...
  4. zumajoe

    What type of Orange, Cone-Shaped pepper is this?

    I found this on the internet, and the page labeled it as "Aji Dulce"... but looks like it would be spicy to me!
  5. zumajoe

    container Potting up from 4" containers - Rinse Roots?

    Hey guys,   When potting up from 4" containers to their permanent home, should you dip the rootball in water to rinse the roots off or should you keep all soil attached? On one hand i'd like a 'fresh start' as my soil mix is slightly different, however i'd also like to reduce transplant stress...
  6. zumajoe

    Once you get Thrips... is it too late?

    Over the past few weeks I slowly moved my little plants outside (still in the small 4" pots) and are now fulltime on the balcony.  They seemed to love it, aside from some issues with new growth.  The new leaves have appeared halfway mangled with tiny dark spots, and almost like some of the...
  7. zumajoe

    soil Air-Pot / GeoPot / SmartPot and Soil Mixture - Less / No Perlite needed?

    Hey all,    For Superoots Air-Pots (, or fabric bag methods - do you reduce the amount of Perlite mixed in since these dry out / drain quicker than a regular pot?   Currently in my normal 4" containers, which i'm about to up-pot the plants had this very light mixture...
  8. zumajoe

    organic Liquid Nutrients - Fox Farm Trio vs Earth Juice (organic methods)

    Hey guys,   As a first time grower, i'd like to get some commentary regarding Fox Farm's trio vs Earth Juice's liquid fertilizers (or similar organic) specific to the Pepper world.    So far I have a great grow of about 15 plants, and just gave them their first feed of "Big Bloom" and "Wholly...
  9. zumajoe

    First transplant to 4" pots.. did I go deep enough? 50% Perlite ok?

    Hey guys,  First time grower, I just did my first transplant from Germination Station into their own 4" pots and wanted to see if things look ok from you pepper pros here.  I'm hoping it's ok that the RapidRooters not being fully "submerged" beneath the soil - some of the plug tops are exposed...
  10. zumajoe

    seeds Cutting off the weaker seedlings / Removing from Humidity Dome too soon

    Hey guys,   Newbie from San Diego, California here.  Started my first successful germination with some great seeds from The Hippie Seed Co. (Love this guy!)   Anyhow, i've got a successful operation going here with about 15 pods, (Carolina, Yellow Scotch, White Ghost, Aji Lemon, Sunrise...