The Hot Pepper

Grass Snake
Grass Snake
Was this before or after the food was cooked?
LOL brutal, Sounds like a win if no one got burned.
Luckily, it was AFTER the chicken fried steaks for the evening's dinner were cooked. They're gonna be sopping up grease leaking out from under the cabinet for weeks.
I was a Navy cook. Been there, done that. SUCKS!!!
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I've seen that happen before. - 5 gallons of 360F grease volcanoed out of a wet grease caddy. No two ways about it. It REALLY f**ks shit up.
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Also, +1 to hogleg. I hate to imagine...
yep. f*ks schtuff up. The cooktop had been propped up catty-whompus on saucepans. Soon as I lifted one corner, the whole thing slide sideways right into the deep fryer. Regardless, it was a helluva mess. I sincerely felt sorry for the ladies who had to power through dinner service and then finish the clean up. Worst news for them was, the flattop is toast.
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All in all that sounds like an outright catastrophe, but I have to admit that part of me is laughing just because it sounds like a perfect intro to a Jerry Lewis movie.
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Heey Laaaaayies! I'm Swooooorry!
Grass Snake
Grass Snake
Definitely a "MY BAD" moment.
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Or a "start crying and hope the chef isn't holding a knife" moment!
Yep, MyBAD moment. But we did troubleshoot the flat top, and bought a couple drinks at the end. This just reminded me of something that happened eons ago. 4 steam kettles lined up side by side, one needed to be cleaned and the cook grabbed a jug of detergent and splashed it into the gravy.....Oh S#!T!!!
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So you used paper towels to clean up the bulk of the spill and took care of the rest with a little ethanol? ;)
After a little alcohol, I didn't care about the spill! (Hmmm maybe that's what Captain Hazelwood said). But no, not exactly. Like back then, Dawn dish soap to the rescue.
It seems worth repeating that a disaster that bad is still a blessing if nobody got hurt... congratulations!!...that you can jest about it... Priceless.