Recent content by Yi Liao

  1. Y

    I am a pepper genomic researcher

    Oh, Thank you so much for sharing! That's really helpful!!
  2. Y

    I am a pepper genomic researcher

    I am working on plant genomics and bioinformatics and have recently sequenced a pepper genome which was reported here: I found this species is very helpful in further elucidating the evolution of plant genome, 3D genome, and phenotypes. There...
  3. Y

    seeds I am looking for Capsicum Tovarii seeds

    Hi Everyone, I am a pepper genomic researcher and now work as a postdoc at the University of California Irvine. We have sequenced the genomes of a lot of pepper varieties. My long goal is to sequence most of the species in the Capsicum genus and elucidate how this genus evolves to so diversity...
  4. Y

    I am a pepper genomic researcher

    I am a pepper genomic researcher