Recent content by xdosequisx

  1. X


    Checking in in 2022... is pepperlover still around? A lot of stuff on the site is out of stock and there's no payment methods available on the checkout page so I'm assuming not 🙁
  2. X


    Time to clear out the freezer a bit.  Made a quick Zhug, inspired by a hankerin' for shawarma and this post   Ingredients: -A dozen or so assorted chilis.  I used some large thick cayenne, bishops crown, and some mystery chinenses for a mix of hot and...
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    xdosequisx - 3rd Garden, 1st Glog

    Not much of an update but I've got nothing better to do, so here's some pics for your enjoyment.   Tray of mostly hots, not much progress since last post:     (Ziptie is stuck into upper righthand corner)   Legend, which I was too lazy to type out:     Looks like the Reapers, Peach Ghost...
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    xdosequisx - 3rd Garden, 1st Glog

    No doubt about it, I got at least twice as many tomatoes out of half as many plants. The only downside is that the plants are so vigorous and heavy with fruit that they can't support their own weight. I also had to prune off the sidesuckers at least twice a week to keep the plants managable.
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    xdosequisx - 3rd Garden, 1st Glog

      Noted.  I was sort of hoping to increase humidity and slightly cool the trays, the heat pad is a bit on the toasty side.     Written in the blood of innocents sacrificed to the snow gods, of course.   Definitely growing lots of tomatoes this year.  Last year I did Fox Cherry, Opalka, Moskvich...
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    xdosequisx - 3rd Garden, 1st Glog

    Hi THP, this is the start of my third garden.  I've learned a lot over the past two growing seasons, hopefully this year will continue improving.  I'll be growing mostly in containers, as I've found that my hugelcultur-ish bed isn't very good for peppers, amongst other things.     2015 Pepper...
  7. X

    Newbie here: too late to start over?

    Thanks GA GH, any preference on fertilizer once it becomes necessary? I may be getting ahead of myself here seeing as I just bought seeds today, but I'd like to have everything ready to go as soon as it's needed since I'm starting so late. I think an aero/hydro setup would be fun to try...
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    Newbie here: too late to start over?

    Oddly enough, since I last checked last night one 7pot, a third padron, one mystery pepper, and a 5th yellow bell pepper have hooked (all helmet-heads, does this mean they're too hot?) Nonetheless, i decided to take the carpet-bombing approach and bought an excessive amount of new seeds in...
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    Newbie here: too late to start over?

    Oh well, I guess I'm going to order more seeds and try again for a super late start. I hear from the vendor section that is pretty sweet, so i think i'll give them a shot. Assuming I get the seeds around April first, how likely am I to get pods before it gets too cold? (Located...
  10. X

    Newbie here: too late to start over?

    Hey all, first post here after spending the weekend drooling over everyone's grow logs. I was hoping to have a nice garden full of superhots and somewhat-hots, but I seem to have failed abysmally in germinating my seeds, and can't seem to figure out why. I started the following peppers in...