Recent content by Wusthof

  1. Wusthof

    Any thoughts on what i got here?

    Here is a pic of how most of them look.
  2. Wusthof

    Any thoughts on what i got here?

    Habaneros are what I thought at first but some of the peppers on this plant are significantly larger than habaneros.  Particularly in the length of them.  I can try and get some better pics and post later.
  3. Wusthof

    Any thoughts on what i got here?

    So this plant was grown from a seed taken out of a pack of yellow devil's tongue seeds. I grew 3 plants total. 2 of them are indeed producing yellow devils tongue peppers. This one is different. The pepper on the right is small for this plant...about the size of a typical orange habanero or...
  4. Wusthof

    Are we talking 2 different kinds of peppers here?

    Thanks. The first plant has signficantly larger peppers than the 2nd. At first I just attributed it to it being a hydroponic plant. But the peppers do look pretty damn different.
  5. Wusthof

    Are we talking 2 different kinds of peppers here?

    Or perhaps same kind, just different growing mediums? Both plants came from a pack of Yellow Devil's Tongue seeds. The first picture is from my DWC hydro plant. The other is in a smart pot.
  6. Wusthof

    shopping A product of plants too close?

    Good to know. I definitely dont know much about that side of growing. Thanks for the quick reply.
  7. Wusthof

    shopping A product of plants too close?

    So I have had some white habs start green, turn lighter green and then turn white. This is my first year growing them. I came home today and found this pepper on one of my white hab plants. Is this normal or a product of being too close to a different plant? Forgot to mention it is about 3-4...
  8. Wusthof

    This guy has been living in.....

    He is literally about 1 inch in length when he sits like that. I want him back next year...haha.
  9. Wusthof

    This guy has been living in.....

    He has certainly grown on me in this short time.  Wonder if he has been there longer and I just didn't notice him.  If he is in direct sunlight I will usually put a few drops of spring water on him.  
  10. Wusthof

    This guy has been living in..... of my Yellow Devil's Tongue plants for a couple weeks now.  Decided to take a photo of him a week ago then one today.  Enjoy.              
  11. Wusthof

    Sepia Serpent

        So yer saying that silver surfer will select some sepia serpent seeds and send them?
  12. Wusthof

    Unpinched vs. Pinched - photo comparison

        Yeah, who knows?  This is my first year growing whatever kind it is.  I will keep everyone updated.  Both are budding now.
  13. Wusthof

    Unpinched vs. Pinched - photo comparison

        I got the seeds from a Jamaican girl that works at the company I am employed at.  I guess I just assumed she knew what they were. 
  14. Wusthof

    Unpinched vs. Pinched - photo comparison

    I wondered if that would play a big part. My 1st year using smart pots on a couple plants.
  15. Wusthof

    Unpinched vs. Pinched - photo comparison

    I was a little nervous and reluctant to pinch new buds on my plants but so many swear by it. So I thought I would try an experiment. I have 2 Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet plants that are the same age. The only difference is the pot style they are growing in. But they each looked identical...