Recent content by socapots

  1. S

    seeds Germination with peat pellets

    I've used those to sow a few variety's this year. Most did well. A couple of them didn't seem to sprout as well.. I cant remember for sure, but I think one was a white bhut, and the other a red bhut.. maybe just the variety?  My experience is pretty limited with peppers. Last time I tried this...
  2. S

    Need Advice Please!

    I'd do like the other suggest and hold off until you know where and when you are going. And congrats on the baby. Its a life changing experience for sure.
  3. S

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

    Sounds like one of mine. Once I put more light on it (longer duration) it started shooting again. Just be careful not to overwater when its in that "almost no growth" stage.
  4. S

    Why is it

    The Lorax! You know, the gardian of the forest... He speaks for the trees! Edit: and nice looking pods.
  5. S

    One day habanero pickings

    Doh!! Can't see where people are from on the mobile. But then again I just may not know how to use it. That's the most likley
  6. S

    Freezing... is wind chill a factor?

    For some reason I remember it also being related to moisture in whatever living thing it is.
  7. S

    One day habanero pickings

    Wulf has it a bit rougher then me even. He is only about 8 hours drive north. But its a whole different world when it comes to weather. Edit: at least I think he is the one in thompson.
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    One day habanero pickings

    I'd say no freezeing temps between late april and early october. I plan to start some seeds soon. Before the new year anyways. Started some in jan feb last year. And didn't get a harvest till september I think it was.
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    One day habanero pickings

    Nice haul man. And another before frost is pertty sweet. We are in and out of freezing everynight up in manitoba. Sucks that the season is so short.
  10. S

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

    Wow. That is a monster. Hope it all goes well for you. How long have you had that one?
  11. S

    water Bottom Watering

    But make sure to hang onto the pot with the plant in it. I made the mistake of letting a very dry (and because of that light) potted plant go in a large diameter bucket of water. I lost a lot of soil, and had a very wet plant lol.
  12. S

    seeds Seed Starting Heating Mats...Good deals?...Alternatives?

    I stared seeds in a plastic dome that I put ontop of the wireless modem. Any piece of electronics that generates heat can work. People used to use the top of the fridge back in the day.
  13. S

    water Bottom Watering

    If the big bucket of water you put them in has a water level above the level of the pellets at the bottom then I'd think yes. I bottom watered most of my potted plants this season. They seemed to like it.
  14. S


    Good topic. Thanks for sharing the info you did. Thinking of this one day.