Recent content by ScottyTooHottie

  1. ScottyTooHottie

    tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the's easy....

    I understand not altering the recipe to keep the pH for good shelf life. I meant what were some of peoples recipes that they make with the puree. Sorry for not being clear. I mixed some puree with a non-alcholic Bloody Mary...not a good thing to do on a mostly empty stomach! Lesson...
  2. ScottyTooHottie

    tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the's easy....

    Just made my first batch of this puree with Naga Morich, 7 Pot and Caribbean Reds. For a first time super hot grower and consumer I just have to say Wow! Do you have any favorite recipes that you make with your puree? Sorry for the blurry photos, hope to get a new phone soon. Thanks!
  3. ScottyTooHottie

    Help on a Pepper or Two...

    Yeah I thought 8 was the Caribbean, thanks The Biz. =MadMonkey= Holy peppers on your plant I wish mine was like that! I might have to move somewhere warmer than PA! I thought 11 could be a naga morich but they are smaller and more triangular than 10. Maybe 10 isn't a NM? I started all around...
  4. ScottyTooHottie

    Help on a Pepper or Two...

    Haven’t been around for a while, summer got incredibly busy. First year both growing superhots and starting from seed! I was worried about hardening them off and having survive. Luckily… these things grew well without me messing or babying them much. Watered maybe every 5 days...
  5. ScottyTooHottie

    seeds Newbie Starting from Seed...Comments and Help Welcomed! Especially the Help!

    I'm going to make sure they are moist but not dripping. I have some kord pots on order to pot up the germinated ones. Once I do that I'll also get the heating mat out of the tent. I hope to have them done by this weekend. Hopefully the non-germinated ones aren't cooked! :mad: Thanks! Scott
  6. ScottyTooHottie

    seeds Newbie Starting from Seed...Comments and Help Welcomed! Especially the Help!

    I'm trying not to over water them, but if they are dry they are dry! I do have a spray bottle where I hit them in between regular waterings. I guess I just found it strange that a lot of tray 1 sprouted within a week where as the other other 2 have been around 2 weeks and seem slow to sprout...
  7. ScottyTooHottie

    seeds Newbie Starting from Seed...Comments and Help Welcomed! Especially the Help!

    Ok. So this is the first time I've tried starting from seed and growing anything other than Jalapenos and Bell Peppers. Below are pictures of where I'm currently at as well as my setup. Most of my set up was purchased before I found this site. I have 24 different varieties in 3 - 72 plug...
  8. ScottyTooHottie

    Wilted plants

    AJ - Do you have a thread or any more info on this green irrigation/fertigation system? Thanks. Scott
  9. ScottyTooHottie


    Can you link the places where you bought your materials? Thanks.
  10. ScottyTooHottie

    Hello from Central PA

  11. ScottyTooHottie


  12. ScottyTooHottie


    :welcome: Noob as well, I hope to get some pics up in a few days.
  13. ScottyTooHottie

    Hello from Denmark, Europe

    :welcome: from Bellefonte, PA!
  14. ScottyTooHottie

    Hello from Indiana
