Recent content by pepper48_98

  1. P

    Sad looking peppers

    I went to the local hydroponics store and that is what they recomended. I am a newbe at this and have a butch T I am holding over the winter and it was infested. I took a leaf with the bugs on it into the store in a sandwitch bag and they have been very helpfull.
  2. P

    Sad looking peppers

    I had the same problem and I used Doktor Doom spider mite knock out insectide plant spray with good results.
  3. P

    Hi from Oklahoma

    I was very happy to have found this form. I am trying for the first time to grow some peppers indoors and have found a wealth of information.
  4. P

    First Time Hydro Grow - Trinidad Butch-T

    I have one, butch T, that I have in a pot with the same light you have. I just bought a 400 watt HS light to put it under but what I need to know is how long should the light be on. Right now I have it on 14 hrs. Too much? too little? I started this plant this summer outside but brought it in...