Recent content by NewMexicoChileProducts

  1. N

    shopping Great Salsa Recipe, Just Need More Heat

    Hello Everyone, A friend of the family shared a great salsa recipe with us but it just lacks heat. I would like some suggestions on what pepper could be added to accentuate the flavor without it over powering (too hot) the other flavors of the salsa. Any feedback would be appreciated. Rand
  2. N

    Hello from CA

    Welcome Will, how are things in CA. Used to live there, got smart and got out back in '89. Too many people, all trying to do the same thing on Friday, get the HELL out of Dodge. Escape to the mountains. Rand
  3. N

    Hello from CA

  4. N

    Hello From New Mexico

    Hi Everyone, My name is Rand Rensvold and after many years as an executive in the retail world, I have decided to start a company selling the products that I love., is where I brought several companies together selling only New...