Recent content by Muso2112

  1. Muso2112

    I have aquired some pure 16 crystals ... how shall I eat them??

    Howdy, Y'all.... Been out of the scene for a little bit. Stopped selling my product mainly from misuse by customers. A few things to note about Pure Cap Crystal. This is a Powdered form of the crystal. It has been ground and some clumping will occur, giving a 'flake' effect. Can you imagine...
  2. Muso2112

    Hello From Jersey Boyz Jerky

    Hey Doug, your name seems REALLY familiar...... question to the rest of y'all..... who else has dared to try the Jersey Jerky? I've put in my order. :shocked:
  3. Muso2112

    Plastic or Glass bottle?

    Oh! I forgot to mention, it's a steak-shaped bottle..... LOL!!! It took me a while to scratch out HEINZ, but I got it... anyone wanna try some?? ;) Cylindical...... round.... new bottles... :lol:
  4. Muso2112

    Plastic or Glass bottle?

    I have a bit of a problem that maybe I can get a little help on. I have my Spicy Hot Steak Sauce that I want to put out, and I have always like the plastic bottle it's in. It's 8 oz and you can squeeze it! Is that tacky or should I go with a glass bottle? Remember, I lean towards an industrial...
  5. Muso2112

    hot-sauce Hot Sauce thief in Houston TX

    eggs-sell-ant!! What style? I'm 3rd in Goju, 3rd in JuJutsu, 3rd in Japanese and Okinawan Kobudo .....and T'ai Chi Instructor cuz they don't have belts... LOL! 20something years now. Had a school here for many moons but it lost to something that actually paid. It's nice to do it for love...
  6. Muso2112

    hot-sauce Hottest sauce ??

    Some of are Canadian, Eh. We don't have a choice. :shocked: LOL! Glad you were made to feel welcome. ~M~
  7. Muso2112

    hot-sauce Hottest sauce ??

    Do I hear my name? LOL!! Potawie, you're not far, so won't be long at all, plus we don't have to contend with customs. Kamikazi cowgirl.... I u se Defcon's stuff on my wings. Can't beat the taste. I have mu own wing sauce but his is just.... award winning! My extracts will knock the sox off...
  8. Muso2112

    hot-sauce Hottest sauce ??

    HUH?? LOL! My kit has a 1/2oz (.5oz) bottle of 1 million, 2 million, 3 million, 4 million and 5 million, all little 1/2oz (.5oz) bottles. The prices you see in red, in brackets is the regular retail price. In that package there are no substitutions, it is as you see it. On my website I sell the...
  9. Muso2112

    hot-sauce Hottest sauce ??

    Hmmm... I have a few that are hotter for a lot less. :hell: I have little tiny vials (1-5 million SHU) for those that want to try the superhots and I have an amazing deal on right now for all those chileheads that can't get enough heat. Seek and ye shall find. Honestly! Truth and all...
  10. Muso2112

    Your Username Game

    Monkeys Up Someone's Orifice: 2112
  11. Muso2112

    This Sucks

    Finally got them huh Paul..... LOL!! Still sorry they took so long. Everything has been getting hung up in the mail. Hey, from what I have been hearing, a lot of my packages are being opened, and that could be the delay. I don't think I'm tagged, my packages are pretty generic. But then again...
  12. Muso2112

    Has anyone heard from Muso lately?

    The buggers canceled my tech call. Canceled my ticket.... Soooo, to make a very long story short, they sent a tech out immediately and fixed the problem, which ended up being a faulty modem. Amazing what a little fire coming from the mouth will do..... LOL!!! That was directed to a supervisor...
  13. Muso2112

    Has anyone heard from Muso lately?

    Thank's ya'll. I finally got throught to the Powers That Be at Rogers and they've finally stopped blaming my computer. They're sending a techie out to trace the problem. I have 4 puters, 2 top of the line Dells (not a pitch...!) I run xp and Linux on them, they all have different hardware...
  14. Muso2112

    Has anyone heard from Muso lately?

    Howdy y'all... I'm still here, but between trips by ambulance to the hospital, moving my entire household (I had to leave the hospital Acute Care Cardiac Unit) the day our movers stood us up. Another heart episode, and I'm strapped to a heart monitor moving with my wife that has just had a car...
  15. Muso2112

    Has anyone heard from Muso lately?

    my isp is fuct and I can't post email orreply to anything, submit forms, blah, blah....... I have tried and tried to post a message..... if anyone needs me, my phone number is 905-454-9758 name is Mike